Long-forgotten suffering 10-year-old girl from Cologne infected with scabies

Long-forgotten suffering 10-year-old girl from Cologne infected with scabies / Health News

Itch mites provide massive itching

Scabies was considered in Germany for a long time as extinct. But in recent years, new cases are becoming known again and again. Currently, the contagious skin disease circulating in Cologne apparently. There, among other things, a 10-year-old girl has become infected and now suffers from massive itching and insomnia. It is believed that the child has been infected with the itch mites at school, reports the Cologne newspaper "Express".

Child is probably in school

"That's where I get the scabies" - many people use this phrase to express that they feel uncomfortable or annoyed. What the skin disease really means, however, know the least. Now a ten-year-old girl from Cologne has literally experienced the unpleasant effects of skin disease "on her own". According to the report, the girl was probably infected with scabies at school and has been suffering from terrible itching, redness and sleep disturbances ever since.

The rash-affected areas of the skin begin to itch massively. (Image: Gina Sanders / fotolia.com)

Skin disease is usually not dangerous

The highly contagious skin disease was actually considered extinct. However, the authorities have been seeing a rise in scabies cases in Germany for some years now. Scabies are caused by the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei, whereby the parasites in adults mainly affect the skin between fingers and toes, on the wrists, in the area of ​​the chest and belly button as well as the armpits and genitals.

The disease is usually not dangerous, but it is extremely uncomfortable for those affected. Characteristic is an extremely itchy skin rash in the form of redness and flaky skin, which is partially covered with pinhead-sized nodules or blisters.

Nearly 130 reported cases in Cologne

"First it got my 16-year-old brother, now me. I'm on sick leave and it itches horribly at the wrists and in the lower part of the back, "the newspaper quotes the girl living with his family in Cologne-Porz. Due to the strong skin itch, the child also has massive sleep problems, the report said.

The ten-year-old and her brother, however, do not seem to be isolated cases. Since January this year, the Cologne health authority has already been reported 128 cases. However, there may be many more, because scabies is only reportable if it occurs in community facilities.

Risk of infection persists until the end of treatment

As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) informs, the itch mites can be transmitted directly or indirectly to other people. Directly from human to human, scabies are contagious, especially when there is prolonged, close skin-to-skin contact, such as when sleeping together in a bed, cuddling extensively or caring for infants.

In principle, according to the RKI, but also the short skin contact with an infected person for a transmission, because the mites can dig into the skin within a few minutes. Damage to the skin causes the immune system to react, causing inflammatory skin changes and the typical itching.

Mites can also survive outside the body

There is a risk of infection until the end of the treatment. Indirect transmission is possible because the mites can also survive outside the organism, e.g. for 24 to 36 hours at 21 ° C in clothing, bedding and upholstery, says the RKI. The main aim of treating the scabies is to kill the mites and their larvae and eggs. Both skin-applying agents (such as permethrin) and oral medications (ivermectin) are available for this purpose. (No)