Laugh incontinence When our laughter shit
"I'm about to laugh in the pants!", Actually describes a boisterous state. But when the saying literally shivers, laughter goes away pretty quickly. However, experts do not understand salmon continence to mean one or two drops, which one can not keep from laughing, but the complete emptying of the bladder. Often, girls are affected before puberty, but adults also suffer from the so-called giggle incontinence.
Lach incontinence is a special form of overactive bladder. "In diseased children, the control mechanisms of bladder control are not yet fully developed," explains Drs. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and managing director of the medical network Uro-GmbH Nordrhein. "The bladder is therefore still as uncontrollable as in toddlers."
Incontinence: what can help? (Image: SENTELLO / have yet to clarify how this laughing incontinence comes about. There are studies that show that often multiple cases within a family accumulate, so that genetic causes are obvious. Mostly, the disease occurs in girls between eight and twelve years and disappears after puberty by itself, but sometimes it remains an unpleasant companion.
The walk to the urologist is indispensable for children and adults alike. Because the consequences for mental health weigh heavy: In addition to their own feelings of shame combined with low self-esteem, increase in children peers often suffering through massive teasing. One therapy option, for example, provides targeted training to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Dr. Schaefer clarifies: "Especially girls of this age develop the first time ever an awareness of their pelvic floor muscles and learn to tense this targeted." Relieves this measure complaints not sufficient help medication in addition. In some - albeit rare - cases, the disease also survives puberty. Urodynamic measurements then use pressure probes and electrodes to provide information about the functioning of the urinary bladder in order to rule out other organic causes. "Treatments are - due to the still insufficient scientific data - individual. In some cases, urologists have achieved very good results by injecting Botox into the bladder muscle. " Shepherd. (sb, pm)