Kylie Minogue suffers from cancer drugs

Kylie Minogue suffers from cancer drugs / Health News

Kylie Minogue suffers from the side effects of cancer drugs.

(13.09.2010) The well-known Australian singer Kylie Minogue suffers from the strong side effects of cancer drugs, according to media reports. Minogue contracted breast cancer in 2005. Although the cancer is considered cured, Mongue must continue to take medication.

The singer Minogue reported in an interview with the English tabloid magazine „female first“ about the strong side effects of cancer drugs. Although the cancerous tumor on the breast has been successfully treated, the Australian continues to take medication. , so opposite "femalefirst". But the doctors told her that she had to continue to take the cancer drugs, otherwise the disease could break out again. Only in the coming year Kylie Minogue may sell the drugs. "But I also heard that you can become anxious after having relied on these medications for so long," says Kylie Minogue.

Many cancer patients suffer from the strong side effects of medications. The most common side effects are the symptoms of chronic fatigue, dizziness and recurrent headache. Prolonged intake of the medication may cause damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to bleeding. In most cases, stomach-friendly medicines are then additionally prescribed, which in turn can trigger unwanted side effects. (Sb)

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