Kiss robot transmits kisses via internet

Kiss robot transmits kisses via internet / Health News

Internet kiss ambassador to save long-distance relationships


Singaporean scientists have developed a kissing robot that can transmit feelings via the internet. The so-called „Kissenger“ According to the developer with his oversized silicone pad lips should convey a realistic kiss.

Hooman Samani, a professor of rotobo technology at the State University of Singapore, explained the benefits of his new kissing machine to the news agency „AFP“ and stressed that this could, for example, help with long-distance relationships. Whether the Internet Kiss Ambassador can actually improve interpersonal communication, however, remains to be seen. Brand management can still take some time, since, according to Prof. Samani, ethical aspects in connection with the new development are to be analyzed more closely for the time being.

Kiss robots receive kisses and relay them over the Internet
Researchers led by Professor Samani of the Singapore State University have constructed their kiss robot as a head with unusually large silicone lips. This can be connected to the Internet and forward received kisses to a second head. If one head gets a kiss, the other one gives a kiss. The feeling of kiss should be quite realistic, according to the researchers. They had repeatedly tested the device themselves. The lip movement of the robot head simulates the human kiss very precisely. Sensors measure the pressure and vibration and transmit appropriate signals to the second kiss robot. The Kiss devices are connected via USB and they can be used with appropriate software on each computer.

Improvement of communication by the kiss ambassador
The kiss robot significantly improves interpersonal communication over long distances, explained Prof. Samani. One hundred percent convinced the scientists are so far apparently not. In particular, ethical questions still need to be clarified before a market launch can be considered. Because kissing is a very intimate process. Whether this is suitable for digitization and transmission via the Internet may be doubted. The question also arises as to how a device should or can replace interpersonal proximity. While a market for the kiss robot is sure to be found, may be doubted at an improvement in interpersonal communication by the kiss robot quite. (Fp)