Turmeric Yellowish spice just as healthy for the vessels as sport

Turmeric Yellowish spice just as healthy for the vessels as sport / Health News
Turmeric: Turmeric promotes vascular health
Exercise is healthy: Regular exercise and healthy diet promote healthy vessels. An ingredient from the Asian kitchen unfolds a very special effect: According to researchers, turmeric is just as effective for our vascular health as one hour of exercise.

Turmeric for vascular health
Anyone who wants to do something for their heart and vascular health should, according to experts, move regularly and adequately and eat well. It has long been known that certain foods, such as those from the Mediterranean kitchen, are particularly good for the heart and circulation. But also an ingredient that is used mainly in Asian countries for numerous foods, serves the vascular health: turmeric.

According to one study, turmeric is as effective for vascular health as an hour of exercise. The delicious spice scores but with much more health benefits. (Image: emuck / fotolia.com)

Healing spice against numerous complaints
Turmeric, also called yellow ginger, or turmeric, is a salutary spice, which is known for its antioxidant and strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The plant is therefore used among other things in arthritis.

But the yellow ginger can do even more: As reported by scientists from Monash University in Australia, one gram is enough to optimize his working memory for several hours.

In addition, there is evidence that the spice, which is used primarily for curries, has a positive effect on the brain because it prevents the deposition of certain protein complexes in the brain that promote Alzheimer's.

Furthermore, studies have shown that turmeric can treat liver disease and that the spice works on intestinal diseases.

In addition, turmeric should have anti-cancer properties.

As effective as an hour of sports
But that's not all: in a study conducted by the University of Tsukuba in Japan, researchers found that curcumin, a key ingredient in turmeric, is just as effective for our vascular health as one hour of aerobic exercise.

This substance, which is also responsible for the yellowish color of turmeric, apparently caused in the subjects positive cardiovascular changes and reduced cell death.

By the regular intake of turmeric, therefore, the risk of arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) could be lowered. This also reduces the risk of a heart attack.

The special effect was found, according to the study, in women who had just passed the menopause.

The whole thing becomes even more effective if the consumption of turmeric is combined with regular training. The scientists pointed out, however, that the exact effects of turmeric on vascular health have not been sufficiently researched. So you should not refrain from doing sports. (Ad)