Curiosities Lidl Recall for Peanuts and Yogurt - These contain nuts and milk

Curiosities Lidl Recall for Peanuts and Yogurt - These contain nuts and milk / Health News
Absurd reasons: Lidl recall for nuts and yogurt
The German discounter Lidl has launched a recall campaign for peanuts and yoghurt in the UK. Such product recalls are not uncommon in and of themselves. But here the reason seems a bit absurd. The product concerned does not state in English that it contains nuts or milk.

Peanuts contain nuts
People suffering from a food allergy are particularly dependent on the correct labeling of the ingredients of food to avoid health risks from accidental ingestion of allergens. Especially nut allergies are a big burden. Actually, one should think that no one has to be warned that peanuts contain nuts. But far from it. In the UK, the German discounter chain Lidl has now launched a product recall.

The German discounter Lidl recalls peanuts and yogurts in the UK. The packs of the affected products do not state in English that they contain nuts or milk. (Image: Quade /

Callback due to missing information in English
According to media reports, Lidl recalls "Milbona" ​​fruit yogurts and "Alesto" honey peanuts in the UK, as not all packaging in English states that the products contain nuts and milk. The missing warnings were criticized by the British Food Standards Agency.

Health hazard for allergy sufferers
On their website you can read about the recall of the yogurts: "The product contains milk, but this is not stated on the label in English. This means that the product poses a health hazard to anyone with allergy to milk or its ingredients. "Milk allergy is one of the most common allergic reactions to food, according to health experts. It is to be distinguished from lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance).

Buyers with an allergy should not consume products
The reason given for the recall of the "Alesto Hony Peanuts" was that the pack lacks the indication that they contain peanuts. The company encourages buyers with a corresponding allergy not to consume the affected products and return them in the stores. (Ad)