Cheese consumption does not increase cholesterol and can even help you lose weight

Cheese consumption does not increase cholesterol and can even help you lose weight / Health News
Experts are studying the effects of consuming a lot of cheese
So far, most people have assumed that an increased consumption of cheese causes the cholesterol level in the body increases. Researchers now found that cheese does not necessarily increase cholesterol. The consumption of cheese can even cause people to lose weight.

Researchers at University College Dublin found in their study that cheese consumption does not automatically cause people to increase and cholesterol levels increase. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nutrition and Diabetes".

Many people around the world like the taste of cheese. So far, however, the consumption of cheese has been linked to an increase in cholesterol levels. Physicians are now investigating whether the increased consumption of cheese really affects the cholesterol. (Image: gkrphoto /

Scientists study 1,500 volunteers from Ireland
The experts analyzed the impact of cheese consumption in their study. For this they examined a total of 1,500 participants from Ireland. The aim was to evaluate the current dietary guidelines, which warn that eating cheese rich in saturated fats may increase the risk of developing high blood cholesterol, the researchers say.

Cholesterol can lead to deposits in the arteries
The physicians found out in their study that the consumption of large quantities of cheese in participating subjects did not lead to an increased cholesterol level. For example, according to the American Heart Association, adults should not consume more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day. If you eat too much cholesterol, it will build up in your bloodstream and cause deposits in the arteries that restrict blood flow to the heart, the researchers explain.

Cheese consumption causes increased intake of saturated fat
It has been observed that the high consumption of cheese leads to a significantly increased intake of saturated fat compared to non-cheese-eating people. However, there was no difference in the observed LDL cholesterol levels, explains author Dr. Emma Feeney.

Equal nutrients in cheese exaggerate the consumption of saturated fats?
The researchers suggest that the mixture of nutrients in cheese helps offset the increased consumption of saturated fats. The milk supply from the cheese even had a positive effect on the so-called body mass index (BMI). In addition, consumption led to lower waist sizes and correlated with lower blood pressure, the researchers add.

The entire diet needs to be examined more closely
Of course, a correlation does not automatically mean a causal link in this effect, say the experts. One can not say with certainty that the consumption of cheese has a positive effect on the cholesterol or the weight. Cheese is just a small piece of the puzzle, we need to look at people's overall diet, the authors explain.

Experts analyze nutritional patterns
We not only have to look at the nutrients ourselves, but the entire nutritional pattern, explains the author. Emma Feeney. Ironically, the researchers also found that consuming low-fat yogurt and milk resulted in higher carbohydrate intake. However, cause and effect could work the other way around here. If people consume more carbohydrates, they may tend to lean to low-fat dairy, scientists speculate. Maybe those affected want to lose weight.

Further research is needed
It would be really interesting to see that this study is repeated with a larger sample size and in different parts of the world, say the authors. Because culture and geography have a big impact on nutrition. So far it is unclear whether the Irish diet has led to these results. Perhaps the previously assumed negative effects of cheese were simply exaggerated, the experts add. (As)