Herbal mixtures more dangerous than cannabis

Herbal mixtures according to LKA Bayern far more dangerous than cannabis
Herbal mixtures, which are sold open on the internet and head shops, are stronger and far more dangerous than cannabis, according to LKA Bayern. Research by the Bayerischer Rundfunk youth program - on3 - has shown that the herbal mixtures, which are especially popular with adolescents, contain dangerous, synthetic cannabinoids. Dr. Marc Wende, chemical forensic scientist of the LKA Bayern, analyzed on behalf of on3 a sample of herbal mixture „Lava Red“. In it he found the cannabinoid JWH-122, which in addition to severe psychosis can also lead to severe circulatory problems and unconsciousness. Stephan Prückner, chief emergency doctor at the Klinikum Großhadern in Munich, is potentially life-threatening.
„Anyone who smokes herbal mixtures like 'Lava Red' plays Russian roulette“, says Wende. Ingredients and dosage vary greatly according to the forensic's experience - even with packets of the same variety. The LKA Bayern has analyzed around 20,000 confiscated packets of herbal mixtures over the past year and a half.
The herbal blends that are on the internet under fancy names like „Lava Red“ or „Maya“ are very popular among young Bavarians. Many adolescents underestimate the effect of synthetically treated intoxicants because they consider drugs to be harmless organic herbs. In Munich alone, eight consumers had to receive emergency medical treatment last year. „The dramatic thing is that serious side effects such as unconsciousness occur more frequently“, says Dr. Stephan Prückner, senior emergency doctor at the Klinikum Großhadern in Munich. According to the Munich Drugs Dept., dangerous overdoses are also becoming more frequent because the predominantly young consumers are not aware of either the type or the concentration of the ingredients.
Legally, the noise herb market is difficult to get to grips with because manufacturers are quicker to develop new synthetic ingredients than they can ban. Each new cannabinoid must be included individually in the Narcotics Act. This can take up to a year. Until then, the herbal mixtures usually fall under the drug law. Accordingly, their purchase is legal, the sale but punishable. Nevertheless, online shops offer the latest herbs in Germany.
Because providers on the Internet have so far been able to operate undisturbed, some scientists are now calling for a controlled release of cannabis as a strategic countermeasure. „The current health and youth protection as well as the unclear legal situation are devastating“, says Dr. Nicole Krumdiek the BR youth program on3. Krumdiek is an expert in narcotics criminal law at the University of Bremen and a member of the Schildower Circle, a network of scientists calling for the decriminalization of cannabis. „By banning the herbal mixtures you can not suppress the desire to consume“, says Krumdiek. „You have to make the least dangerous substance available. And the effects of cannabis are much more predictable and less dangerous with moderate consumption than herbal blends.“
Other experts do not consider the legalization of cannabis to be the solution to the problem. „The herbal mixtures would not disappear anyway“, says Bernd Kreuzer from the LKA Bayern. Many consumers deliberately chose the herbal mixtures because they are sometimes stronger than cannabis. „In addition, that would be a trivialization of cannabis“, says cruiser. Excessive consumption of cannabis also has a negative impact on the health of smokers. (Pm)
More about this topic in the programs of on3:
FR, 11.03. from 16.00 clock: radio report „How easy is it to get the herbal mixtures?“ and interview with Nicole Krumdiek, an expert in narcotics criminal law. To receive via livestream on on3.de or DAB.
FR, 11.03. from 16:30 clock: TV reportage „How easily do you get the herbal mixtures?“, MAZ „Difference between narcotics and drugs law“, Talk Bernd Kreuzer from the LKA Bayern and Nicole Krumdiek, an expert in narcotics criminal law. on3-südwild can be seen in BR-alpha at 16:30 and from 1:15 on Bavarian TV.
All content to look, read, listen, as well as background information and a blog on the subject.
Picture credits: Henning Hraban Ramm