Tingling in the legs and double-breasted see first signs of MS correctly interpret

Tingling in the legs and double-breasted see first signs of MS correctly interpret / Health News
Early diagnosis important: recognize warning signs for multiple sclerosis
Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is not curable, it is increasingly manageable thanks to new drugs. However, it is important to have the earliest possible diagnosis and early start of therapy. Warning signs for multiple sclerosis should therefore be recognized as soon as possible.

Women are affected much more often
According to experts, multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system in Central Europe, with women being affected about twice as often as men. With affected persons it can come - depending on the course form - to handicaps. Despite intensive research, the disease is still considered incurable. But thanks to new drugs, MS is becoming increasingly manageable. Early diagnosis and treatment of MS can alleviate the symptoms. Therefore, it is important to recognize the first symptoms.

Although multiple sclerosis (MS) can still not be cured, it is increasingly easier to manage thanks to new drugs. It is important to have an early diagnosis and a prompt start of therapy. (Image: Coloures-pic / fotolia.com)

MS is difficult to recognize in the initial stage
Although multiple sclerosis is difficult to detect in the early stages, any symptoms should be clarified by a neurologist. The problem is, however, that these symptoms can vary greatly depending on which areas of the nervous system the chronic inflammation concerns. The Professional Association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN) has pointed this out in a message from the dpa news agency. Because the course of the disease and the symptoms can vary widely, MS is often referred to as the "1,000 Faces Disease".

Multiple sclerosis is often recognized by the ophthalmologist
The early symptoms often include sensations such as tingling and tingling in the arms and legs, a feeling of numbness on the head and weakness can indicate early on the MS. Visual disturbances are other possible signs: According to experts, sufferers then see through a dense fog and sometimes in double images. Even sudden onset of eye pain, followed a few days later by a deterioration in vision, may point to MS, as the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) explained in an earlier communication. According to the experts, multiple sclerosis is often first recognized by the ophthalmologist. Other warnings include dizziness and nausea when the sense of balance is affected. The first symptoms of MS often occur between the ages of 20 and 40. The disease is not yet curable, but treatable.

Delay possible later disability
According to the BVDN, the focus of treatment is that those affected improve their skills and as well as they can continue to master their everyday lives independently and exercise their profession. Yoga and aqua-fitness also relieve MS symptoms, as scientists recently reported in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Fatigue, depression and paresthesia decreased significantly after training three times a week. According to the BVDN, preventive therapy may delay or even prevent possible later disability. Therefore, the earliest possible treatment is so important. If not treated, symptoms may gradually increase. (Ad)