Strong increase in doctors' fees

Strong increase in doctors' fees / Health News

Strong increase in doctors' fees. On average, doctors earn 11.3 percent more than in 2007.

(21.07.2010) The doctors' fees have skyrocketed in recent years. According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance (GKV), fees rose between 2007 and 2009 by an average of 11.3 percent.

The calculation is based on about 150,000 general practitioners and specialists. The average income of a doctor in 2007 was around 142,000 euros per year. According to the GKV association, this year's average annual income of physicians will rise to 164,000 euros (11.3 percent). Background of the increase in the remuneration of physicians is the implemented fee reform, because especially in the east and north of the Federal Republic, fees have increased excessively.

An overview shows where, above all, the remuneration of the medical profession has risen. In the first three quarters of 2009, doctors in Hamburg have earned about 25.5 percent more since 2007, and physicians in Thuringia have measured about 24.6 percent since 2007. Doctors in Bavaria, however, got only 3.5 percent more annual salary.

In the future, doctors will no longer be able to record such high increases in compensation, according to the wish of the Federal Minister of Health Philipp Rösler (FDP). Rösler wants to significantly limit the fee increases of family doctors in the coming year 2011. As a result, the Minister hopes savings of about 500 million euros. Rösler wants to limit the fees to limit the deficit of the health insurance companies. Finally, the statutory funds expected a deficit of about 11 billion euros.

But the GPs are mobilizing against the savings plans and the Association of family doctors threatens even with closures of medical practices. Whether and when such a protest will come depends, inter alia. also from the compromise readiness of the medical association. (Sb)