Lower back pain relief in just four steps in acute low back pain

Lower back pain relief in just four steps in acute low back pain / Health News
First Aid for the Cross: Relieve Acute Back Pain - in Four Steps
Sooner or later it hits everyone: Once jerky or too long sitting in a curved position, and already it pulls painfully in the back. Out of uncertainty then sufferers often try to ignore the suffering or move as little as possible. Both are wrong. Dr. Reinhard Schneiderhan, Orthopaedist from Munich and President of the German Spine League, explains in four steps which possibilities sufferers have to deal with sudden complaints:

1. heat treatment
The most common causes of back pain include tension. Long sitting, for example, leads to poor circulation in the muscles. As a result, the tissue does not get enough nutrients and oxygen. Strands of muscle harden and cause so-called tension pains. Heat is one of the simplest immediate countermeasures. Home remedies such as warming blankets, patches and ointments stimulate the blood circulation and thus noticeably relieve the pain.

(Image: SENTELLO / fotolia.com)

2nd stage storage
Afterwards, sufferers move into a position that is as gentle as possible to their back: To do so, lie down on a comfortable pad and place their feet on a chair or stool. The thighs are at a right angle to the upper body. This so-called step bearing reduces the pressure on discs and nerve roots in the spinal cord.

3rd movement
For too long, however, the back should not remain in this posture. Because even with appropriate aids such as pillows and heat sources it comes back to muscle hardening when the body does not move. As soon as the worst pain subsides, a gentle stretching of the arms and legs is recommended. This helps noticeably with the loosening of the muscles, affected ones can get up in a further step and stimulate the circulation with light exercise exercises.

4. If everything does not help, go to the doctor
If the pain persists for more than three days and symptoms occur, such as muscle weakness or numbness, those affected should consult a doctor immediately. Because these symptoms occasionally point to clinical pictures such as disc protrusions or spinal canal stenosis. Experts can assess the complaints and at best exclude a disease.