Back pain always be serious Take a herniated disc can be a medical emergency

Back pain always be serious Take a herniated disc can be a medical emergency / Health News
Back pain has been experienced by almost everyone. Often these are due to tension and disappear after some time again. But behind the symptoms can also hide a herniated disc. Therefore, persistent pain and symptoms, e.g. In any case, paralysis symptoms are taken seriously and medically clarified. In an interview with the news agency "dpa", experts explain how to recognize a herniated disc and what treatment options are available.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missing days
Almost every adult has been affected by back pain at least once in the course of his life. According to a recent evaluation of DAK health, these are among the three most common reasons for sick leave; every fifth day of absence (20.6 percent) was caused by such a musculoskeletal disorder. In most cases, the discomfort is caused by muscle tension or e.g. caused a blocked vertebra and go back within a few weeks. If the spine or back pain persists for more than four weeks, however, a doctor should urgently be consulted to determine if the spinal discs may be affected. Because a herniated disc often remains undetected, even if the complaints only occasionally, for example. occur after prolonged sitting.

Always take a herniated disc seriously. Image: Henrie - fotolia

Pain can radiate up to the arm or leg
The acute herniated disc usually occurs very suddenly. Sometimes enough for a corresponding Vorschädigung already a simple turn or lifting a crate. Because the 23 intervertebral discs, which serve as buffer and suspension between the vertebral bodies, have a gelatinous, soft core in the middle and are surrounded by a hard but elastic "fibrous ring" ("annulus fibrosus") for stabilization. Arises for example Increased pressure due to the lifting of the water box can cause this fiber ring to break, causing material to escape from the core and press on the surrounding nerves.

As a result, strong, stabbing back or neck pain often occurs, which can radiate into the arm or leg. Depending on which part of the spine is affected, other symptoms such as neurological deficits (tingling, furry feeling in the leg, "running ants") or a loss of reflexes may occur. Also in case of paralysis a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible, explains Reinhard Schneiderhan, President of the German Spine League and orthopedist in Munich, in an interview with the news agency.

Uncontrolled loss of stool or urine is an urgent warning sign
In addition to this, there are other important alarm signals that indicate an emergency and must therefore be taken seriously: "If sufferers uncontrollably lose urine or stool can no longer hold, must be operated within six hours," adds Prof. Bernd Kladny says. The expert acts as deputy secretary general of the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology (DGOU) and is also chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the m & i-Fachklinik Herzogenaurach. Even if the paralysis phenomena are very strong and thus there is an increased risk of falling, an operative procedure is recommended, Kladny continues.

All other cases may be treated conservatively by the expert, e.g. receives anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs or syringes and infusions. It was also important to protect - but that does not mean to avoid any movement. Instead, under the guidance of a physiotherapist, normal everyday movements should be trained and stability in the trunk area improved, Kladny says.

Often, conservative measures are sufficient

Often the problems can be solved in this way - but in some cases the described measures are not enough. "When it comes to the question of how long conservative treatment should be, you should involve the patient," Kladny continues. Patients, e.g. Therefore, for professional reasons, having to be fit again quickly could be treated intensively in a conservative manner for two weeks. If this does not lead to the desired success, the affected person should answer the question "surgery for a herniated disc: yes or no?" Himself, however.

If a patient has e.g. According to Kladny, the therapy period can also last longer if the health risks due to an OP increase. However, after six weeks at the latest, a "critical size" has been reached, says Schneiderhan. "Then you have to ask questions like: Can the affected person move normally again? Is he still in pain? Can he sleep through? "If the patient continues to be severely restricted, various options may be considered. In minimally invasive procedures, for example, incidents and protrusions of the intervertebral discs are shrunk by means of laser energy, and the resulting gap is rewelded. Through surgery, the leaked tissue of the disc can be removed either by the neurosurgeon directly or through a kind of "hollow tube", explains the expert. In any case, it is important to obtain a second medical opinion before an intervention. "You should neither decide hectic nor be persuaded," says the expert.

That happens with a herniated disc. Picture: Picture Dwarf - fotolia

Beware of abdominal exercises such as sit-ups
For people who sit a lot, one-sidedly or wrongly burden their body or generally have too little movement, the risk for a herniated disc is increased, explains Schneiderhan. Likewise, the protective fiber ring becomes more susceptible to cracking with age and can accordingly crack faster.
But as far as it does not come, because a herniated disc could be prevented according to Michael Preibsch by the German Association of Physiotherapy. Thus, in many cases muscular problems have been present for a long time, e.g. the hip flexor muscles are less elastic or the abdominal muscles are too weak to provide sufficient stability for the back. However, according to the experts, such "muscle dysbalances" could be compensated by targeted training. But care should be taken here because widespread exercises such as Sit-ups would affect the hip flexor in the first place, making the problem worse. "That's why instruction is important right at the beginning of preventive training," recommends Preibsch.

Do not clamp the telephone receiver between ear and shoulder
In addition to this, loading should be avoided as much as possible by e.g. got up more often during work and went around a bit. Also, the renunciation of some "quirks" can help prevent a herniated disc. This includes, for example, to keep the telephone handset clamped between ear and shoulder or due to a wrong set visual aid constantly head to the monitor before to stretch, explains Preibsch. In addition, in the context of prevention is also indispensable because "it often meets people who usually do not do much and then renovate a house," says the expert. Recommended here would be activities such. Jogging, walking or cycling, or yoga can be the right choice. (No)