Scratching the throat Does drinking really help a lot?

Scratching the throat Does drinking really help a lot? / Health News

Scratching in the throat: really helps drink a lot?


It does not matter if the cause is a simple cold or even throatitis or laryngitis: If the throat hurts, you should drink a lot because it really helps to fight it.

Keep mucous membranes moist
At first it sounds like a contradiction, when it is pointed out that you have to drink a lot just when the throat hurts and therefore you have to swallow constantly. But fluid actually fights the complaints, as the news agency dpa reports. In case of unpleasant neck scratching, it helps to drink a lot, as it keeps the oral mucous membranes moist. A dry throat and frequent swallowing problems should not stop you from getting a lot of fluids.

Gargle with salt water or sage tea
As the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen explained in the dpa message, also support tea and hot lemon and gargle with salt water or sage tea the cure for a cold. In addition, cough and throat drops stimulate the production of saliva and so relieve the symptoms. The experts also recommend for the night throat pills, which act directly in the throat. However, children under the age of six should not take any pulmonary tablets containing benzocaine or lidocaine. Lozenges with mineral salts are better. Naturopathic remedies also offer home remedies for sore throats, such as cold neck wraps or quark wraps. (Ad)