Health insurance pays for new breast surgery

Health insurance pays for new breast surgery / Health News

Medically-based breast implants: Health insurance companies take over the costs again


The discussion about breast implants of the French company PIP also unsettles women who, for purely medical reasons, wear implants, for example after a breast removal because of cancer. The Siemens Health Insurance SBK advises in these cases to discuss with the doctor, which implant it is and if there is a health risk. If the implant has to be removed, the cash register will not only take care of these costs, but also rebuild the breast, e.g. through silicone pillow.

SBK: Insecure women should contact their doctor: cash pays construction OP
In many cases, silicone cushions are used as part of aesthetic and cosmetic surgeries; the cost is borne by the customer. Not infrequently, however, there are also medical reasons that make the reconstruction or enlargement of the breast necessary, usually after breast cancer. In these cases, the health insurance company covers the costs for breast surgery. The Siemens Health Insurance SBK, Germany's largest company health insurance fund, has provided surgeries and after-care services in almost 400 cases since 2004 in almost 400 cases and fully covered the costs.

If due to the current case with PIP implants or for other reasons, a removal of the implant may be necessary to take over the SBK as well as the other statutory health insurance, the cost of this and for a rebuilding of the breast, if necessary. Insecure women should consult their doctor to clarify which implant they carry and whether this should be replaced. Before an upcoming surgery, the patients should clarify the procedure in detail with their health insurance. (Pm)

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