Health insurance claim to dentures

Health insurance claim to dentures / Health News

In the future, people with statutory health insurance have an extended right to dentures.

(21.05.2010) Good news for all cash patients. According to the decision of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), patients with statutory health insurance have an extended right to a fixed denture. "In future, more insured persons will be able to benefit from a restoration with fixed restorations," said a spokesman for the G-BA. So far, a fixed dentures was only taken over by the health insurance, if in the opposing jaw own teeth or a fixed dentures was available. The reimbursement is now financed independently of the so-called counter dentition. The cost of the extended dentures will in future be covered by the health insurance (GKV).

The Joint Federal Committee passed its decision on the basis of a final report from the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). The IQWiG had presented studies that examined the nature of the opposing dentition in the supply of fixed and removable dentures. The results showed treatment goals such as "functional duration of the denture", "change in nutritional behavior" or "expense for prosthesis care and aftercare" corresponding evidence with no sufficient certainty of results were available. The decision of the G-BA is currently being reviewed by the Federal Ministry of Health. If the Federal Ministry agrees, the scheme will soon come into force.

The Joint Federal Committee is the supreme decision-making body for the self-administration of doctors, dentists, psychotherapists, hospitals and health insurances in Germany. The G-BA determines with guidelines the service catalog of the statutory health insurance for all insured persons and determines which services of the medical care are reimbursed by the health insurance. (Sb)

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