Free investigation Health Minister promotes colorectal cancer screening

Free investigation Health Minister promotes colorectal cancer screening / Health News
Second most common cancer: Colorectal cancer screening can save lives
In Germany, people with statutory health insurance from the age of 55 are entitled to colonoscopy for the early detection of colorectal cancer. Unfortunately, this is often not noticed. Bavaria's Health Minister Huml now promotes the screening month for the colon cancer month.

Early detection can save lives
According to experts, about 26,000 people die every year from colon cancer in Germany. To protect yourself, from a certain age you should take regular check-ups. This is especially important if there have already been colon cancer cases in the family. The early detection can save lives, because a tumor in the large or small intestines grows slowly and caused in most sufferers for a long time no problems.

Bavaria's Health Minister Huml promotes the colorectal cancer month for the colorectal cancer screening. Early detection can save lives. (Image: Wolfilser /

Second most common cancer in Bavaria
On the occasion of the start of the "March Colon Cancer Month", Bavaria's Minister of Health, Melanie Huml, promotes the possibility of early detection of colorectal cancer.

"Colon cancer is the second most common cancer among women and men in the Free State. Every year about 9,000 people fall ill in Bavaria - and more than 3,000 die, "said the Minister.

"But colon cancer can be cured if it is detected in time. Therefore, the early detection offers of health insurance should be used. "

Free preventive examinations are rarely used
"So far, only about 38 percent of women and 33 percent of men between the ages of 55 and 75 use free colon cancer screening. Therefore, more people have to be persuaded to take advantage of this important early detection opportunity, "said the politician.

According to the minister, "It is very gratifying that in Bavaria, fewer and fewer people tend to get cancer and die. This decline is especially evident in colorectal cancer. "

She explained: "While 10,194 people in Bavaria still had colorectal cancer in 2003, in 2013 there were only 9,040. In 2013, 3,602 men and women died of bowel cancer in the Free State, compared to 4,187 in 2003. "

Healthy lifestyle for colon cancer prevention
"Colorectal cancer screening can be used free of charge for women and men over the age of 50 years. The colonoscopy is included from the age of 55 and ten years later a second time in the scope of the statutory health insurance, "said Huml.

"This 'colonoscopy' is currently regarded as the most reliable method of detecting colon cancer at an early stage. In the process, cancer precursors, so-called polyps, can be removed. "

Some experts think that you should lower the age limit and from 50 for colonoscopy.

In addition to colonoscopy, a healthy lifestyle contributes to colorectal cancer screening. Among other things, a full nutrition, regular exercise and a tobacco waiver are important. (Ad)