Free actions around the venous health

Free actions around the venous health / Health News

German Venom Day: Nationwide free actions around the venous health.

(21.04.2010) On April 24, 2010, the sixth German Venetian Day will take place with information and activities on venous health throughout Germany. The nationwide largest education campaign is initiated by the German Venenliga e.V. (DVL).

Diseases of the venous system are so common in the population that broom ticks, varicose veins and other venous diseases can probably be described as a widespread disease. In up to 90 percent of Germans, changes in the venous system should exist. If broom lice, as visibly enlarged plexuses from veins, are merely a cosmetic problem, the larger varicose veins can already cause unpleasant symptoms. This is due to a plant-related venous insufficiency, which prevents adequate blood backflow to the heart, which then leads to congestion and overstretching. Especially pregnant women and people, with professional standing activity, increasingly suffer from heaviness, pain or cramps in the legs. It gets even more uncomfortable when it comes to complications such as phlebitis or skin ulcers in later stages.

Venous centers and other institutions will offer medical lectures, vein check-ups, venous exercises or vein walking free of charge at more than 200 venues this coming Saturday. The aim of the campaign is, on the one hand, to educate those affected about various treatment options for venous disorders, but above all to inform about measures for active prevention. Also biological therapies are presented, for example, a new radio wave therapy, with the gentle and pain-free annoying broomstick can be removed. (J.V.)

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