Clarify costs in advance dentures will be more expensive

Clarify costs in advance dentures will be more expensive / Health News

Consumer advocates recommend to clarify the denture costs in advance


With the turn of the year, the cost of dentures have increased significantly. As the consumer center North Rhine-Westphalia explained, patients have since the beginning of the year to pay a higher own contribution to the dentures.

Under certain circumstances, the dentures can be really expensive, which is why the consumer advocates advise to clarify the costs incurred urgently beforehand with the dentist and health insurance. Also, patients should compare the offer of their dentist in case of doubt with other offers, the reference of the consumer advocates.

Check the cost estimate, ask for treatment alternatives
According to information from the Consumer Affairs Center of North Rhine-Westphalia, the significantly increased own contribution to dentures is the result of the amended fee regulation for dentists, which has come into force since the beginning of the year. Patients should inquire in advance, in particular, about the amount of their own costs and possible treatment alternatives, advises the NRW Consumer Center in Düsseldorf. Here, in the opinion of the consumer advocates, obtaining a second opinion on the treatment and cost plan from another dentist is highly recommended. According to the Verbraucherzentrale NRW, online platforms for price comparison, in which patients can set the cost estimate of their dentist for review, are also an inexpensive option for comparison. On the portals, the treatment and cost plans are then checked by registered dentists and possibly supplemented by a cheaper offer. Under the search word „dental Auctions“ Everyone could turn relatively easily to the appropriate Dienstleister in the InterNet, emphasized the consumer protection.

Dentures as a cost trap
In general, the statutory health insurance covers 50 percent of the costs for standard treatments, the other half, however, have to raise the patients as own contribution. However, the standard treatments by no means always include the medically desirable offer. Patients who are looking for more than a standard care need to pay for the extra costs out of their own pocket. Thus, elaborate all-ceramic instead of the usual metal crowns can quickly cost patients considerable sums. Who does not want to fall into the cost trap, should therefore thoroughly inform. However, the cost trap may also threaten with the standard treatment. Because 50 percent of the treatment costs are sometimes quite a high amount. Only patients who were regularly at the dentist once a year have slight advantages, according to the Verbraucherzentrale NRW.

50 percent interest in dentures
After all, those who have collected a stamp for the bonus book for five years during the check-up can expect a 60 per cent reimbursement by the health insurance. With over ten years of cultivated bonus booklets, this share even increases to 65 percent. In addition, patients with a particularly low gross income (less than 1050, - € per month) also receive more support, the consumer advocates report. A supply deviating from the standard treatment, however, is excluded for most less affluent patients anyway, since hundreds of thousands to thousands of euros have to be financed as own contribution. So threatens a development in which the income of the people is more and more read on the basis of their teeth. (Fp)

Read about:
Health insurance: claim to dentures
Check bonus book later this year

Picture: Claudia Heck