Save costs through individual PKV selection

Save costs through individual PKV selection / Health News

Financial test for private health insurance: Look closely at the service catalog

This year, not only for insured persons of the statutory health insurance companies (GKV) increased contributions - also the private health insurance companies (PKV) probably increase their contributions. The magazine „Finanztest“ The Stiftung Warentest, which has mainly as a task and publication field the comparison of services from the financial sector as well as, for example, insurance, has published tips for private insured in the current issue.

An important clue is the fact that you should not go according to the amount of the contribution. From cheap fares you should not be impressed in the decision-making. One of the most important points is the services that are spent on the respective tariff.

Naturopath Thorsten Fischer can only confirm this from practice: „Many patients did not inquire about the covered benefits when the insurance was taken out. This can sometimes give a rude awakening, if the costs of the respective private health insurance are not or only partially taken over and the victims have to pay this out of their own pocket, because they have not read the modalities properly.“

A reduction in monthly contributions can be achieved if you increase the deductible or asks the current private health insurance for other rates. In some cases, there are now rates with the same insurance, covering the same range of benefits, but cheaper. It is worth asking here. What is new in general is that the health insurance contributions for a private health insurance from 2010 are tax deductible as special levies. The background is the Bürgerentlastungsgesetz. Stiftung Warentest also offers on its side the service to get individual suggestions.

In addition, there are also important tips for insured persons in the statutory health insurance. Here too many people are unsettled by the additional contributions announced today.

Basically, applies to all health insurance: Insured can save, but must be meticulously and individually with the respective tariffs and benefits. Increases are and must come because of the extremely thin financial situation of the entire German health care system.

In view of the events under Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler as the transformation of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency (IQWiG), possibly the coming introduction of capitation and freezing of employer's share, the purchase of vaccines against swine flu in the amount of several hundred million euros, among others, is Not to expect further savings, but rather more costs in connection with our health care system.

The direct costs that will result from these events will clearly be borne by the health insurance companies and they will have to pay the insured person. (sb 25.01.2010)

Insurance with alternative practitioner treatment?
DAK: First health insurance calls for additional contribution