Cosmetic trend to luxury skin care products

Cosmetic trend to luxury skin care products / Health News

Luxury cosmetics with caviar, pearl extract and other precious additives are in vogue


In the cosmetics industry, luxury products such as gold or caviar are becoming increasingly popular. The noble additives promise particularly positive effects on the skin, but a proof of their effect is so far.

Gold, platinum, pearl extract, caviar or even truffles in skincare products are the expression of the luxury trend that has hit the cosmetics industry. Women, in particular, are often willing to spend a lot of money on their skin care. The manufacturers therefore advertise specifically with exclusive products, which should be particularly beneficial for the skin thanks to their noble ingredients - but for the same reason are correspondingly more expensive. Whether the products can deliver what they promise remains often doubtful.

Little luxury for the skin
Despite the lack of scientific evidence for the effect of luxury cosmetics, these enjoy a growing popularity. „In the cosmetics segment, it is precisely the women who regularly treat themselves to this so-called little luxury“, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the managing director of the VKE cosmetics association in Berlin, Martin Ruppmann. For example, a study by the association showed that almost one in three women would refrain from buying jewelry in order to afford luxury care products instead. „One in four would be willing to let the concert, a movie or the restaurant visit“, becomes Ruppmann of the „dpa“ further cited. The most important reason for the acquisition of luxury cosmetics, the expert calls the known high-quality ingredients (64 percent), confidence in a brand (56 percent) and high quality (55 percent).

Caviar extract with amino acids, trace elements and phospholipids
In addition, according to Ruppmann, the purchase of luxury cosmetics adds an important, emotional aspect. So feel „Half of the respondents are happier and more relaxed when buying luxury products“, becomes the managing director of the VKE cosmetics association in Berlin of the „dpa“ cited. To the effectiveness of the luxury cosmetics reported dermatologist Inka Fechner from Oldenburg told the news agency that, for example „Caviar extract contains (contains) amino acids and trace elements that have a nourishing and regenerative effect on the skin.“ In addition, the phospholipids also contained would support the skin structure, which is why „Creams with these ingredients are more suitable for mature skin“ are.

Products for more mature skin
In general, many of the luxury cosmetics items are, according to the experts, more suitable for mature skin. Young people would often over-skin their skin by early use of the very rich anti-aging products. „The disease is called perioral dermatitis - small pimples around the mouth, which can be very persistent“, quotes the „dpa“ this Inka Fechner. The occurrence of such complaints is often a sign of too much for the skin. The „dpa“ reports further that creams and serums containing pearl extracts or gold particles, in addition to skin care, also promise to cover the complexion with a delicate veil and thus give the skin more luminosity. This is particularly effective for dull and tired skin, as it develops with age through the fine lines and wrinkles.

Pearl extract with a long tradition of skin care
The use of pearl extract for skin care is according to the Cologne dermatologist Uta Schlossberger to the news agency „dpa“ no novelty. So be „Pearl extract in the care already from the traditional Chinese healing arts“ (TCM) known. The pearl extract was composed of a natural complex based on marine mineral water and contains many trace elements such as zinc, selenium, lithium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and magnesium as well as 20 different amino acids. These ingredients keep the skin nourished and supple. „This unique composition can accelerate the natural metabolism of the skin, reduce blemishes and reduce redness“, Uta Schlossberger is quoted by the news agency. Furthermore, could „Pearl extract permanently and intensively regulate skin moisture, accelerate skin renewal and increase the vitality of the skin.“

Missing scientific evidence
A dermatological evaluation of the precious metal gold in the context of manufacturer studies showed that gold has an antibacterial effect and in this way an influence on the skin picture has, the „dpa“. However, probably the same applies here as with the caviar. „So far there are no studies that are publicly available and support the effects of caviar extract“, quotes the „dpa“ the dermatologist Inka Fechner. This leaves doubts about the meaning of luxury cosmetics, not least because much cheaper products based on plant extracts and co-advertise with comparable effects for the skin. (Fp)

Picture: Rike