Change cosmetic products according to the season

Change cosmetic products according to the season / Health News
Expert recommends product changes depending on the season
Light gel in the summer, rich care in the winter: changing the cosmetic products during the year, usually does not hurt. Instead, it does the skin good if the care is adjusted to the requirements of the different seasons. The cosmetics expert Elena Helfenbein gives in conversation with the news agency "dpa" tips on what consumers should look out for.

Skin different claims throughout the year
Whether eye care, day cream or cleaning products: Many women have their proven "standard products" for years and use them all year round. In this case, a change for the skin can be very beneficial, because this has very different claims in the course of the seasons. "Towards the summer, a good sun protection factor is particularly important for the skin," explains Elena Helfenbein of the VKE Cosmetics Association, adding that in warm temperatures "a light lotion or a body spray that absorbs quickly is more appropriate", the expert continues.

The skin care should be adapted to the season. Picture: puhhha-fotolia

Cold and dry heating air mean stress for the skin in winter
In autumn and winter, the change between the cold weather outside and the heating air inside causes stress for the skin, causing it to react with dryness and increased sensitivity. Therefore, in the cold season better rich care creams should be used, also "[.] Recommend especially mild cleansing preparations that do not dry out the skin," Helfenbein recommends.

Apart from the seasonal change, however, not too many different cosmetics should be tried. "For the skin, it is best if a specific care goal is pursued for at least two months," continues Helfenbein. Accordingly, the impression that a product no longer works because a habituation effect has set in and is "a pure matter of the head".

Peeling with oatmeal for healthy skin
Especially those who have problematic skin should therefore pay close attention to the ingredients of the products and not experiment too much. For acne, pimples and blemishes, home remedies for oily skin can also help to deal with skin problems. For example, cleaning with buttermilk or yarrow tea, which contains antibacterial and wound-healing ingredients, has proved its worth. An exfoliation with oatmeal, wheat bran or grated walnuts is also an effective home remedy for healthy and beautiful skin. (Nr)