Coronary heart disease danger to the heart

Coronary heart disease danger to the heart / Health News

Events on coronary heart disease


As part of the current Herz Herzwochen, medical institutions are currently offering information events on the topic throughout Germany „Coronary heart disease“ on. Also the clinic for cardiology of the district hospital Prignitz participates with its own event on the „Inform cardiologists about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease“ become.

The Herzwochen, organized for many years by the German Heart Foundation, is dedicated to this year of coronary heart disease and its possible consequences „Coronary heart disease is one of the most common heart diseases worldwide“, However, the disease is often taken seriously only if it has led to a heart attack, reports the corporate group Kreiskrankenhaus Prignitz. According to the physicians, millions of people suffer from corresponding constrictions of the coronary arteries.

Substantial need for information on coronary heart disease
The tricky thing about coronary heart disease is its creeping, at first inconspicuous course. If the first symptoms such as heartache or chest pain, stinging in the chest or even a heart attack, the damage to the coronary arteries are usually already significantly advanced. If in doubt, a stent or bypass operation will be required. After such an intervention believe, according to the communication of the district hospital Prignitz „Many patients that they are healthy because they have no complaints.“ The victims are not aware of the fact, „that they still suffer from chronic heart disease and therefore have to change their lifestyle and take their medication in the long term.“ Here the physicians see considerable need for information, which the Cardiology Clinic of the Prignitz district hospital wants to remedy with their event during the Herzwochen. All interested parties, stakeholders and relatives were invited to attend tomorrow (Wednesday, November 21) „to inform about the topic circulatory disorders in the heart.“

Numerous events in the context of the Herzwochen
Comparable events such as in the district hospital Prignitz are currently taking place throughout Germany and offer interested people a good opportunity to learn about the coronary heart disease. Often an exchange or discussion with the experts is possible after the planned lectures. With special actions, the facilities also hope to win the interest of the patients. For example, Sana Kliniken Lübeck GmbH, in cooperation with the German Heart Foundation, has organized a patient seminar for Wednesday evenings in which, in addition to lectures, a blood glucose test and a blood pressure test will be offered free of charge. (Fp)

Read about:
Coronary heart disease a hidden danger
Herzwochen: The coronary heart disease

Picture: Gerd Altmann