Coronary heart disease a hidden danger

Coronary heart disease a hidden danger / Health News

Coronary heart disease focus of the heart weeks


According to the German Heart Foundation, around 5.5 million people in Germany suffer from coronary heart disease. Thus, coronary heart disease is the most common heart disease in Germany. The disease describes a constriction of the coronary arteries, which hinders the circulation of the heart and in the worst case can lead to heart attack and heart failure, reports the "German Heart Foundation".

Noticeable is the coronary heart disease, for example, by a pressure and tightness in the chest area or stinging in the chest, perceived as a heart pain. The symptoms are usually under increased physical or mental stress. Also, patients struggle with minor physical exertions such as walking fast, climbing stairs, shopping bags or crates carrying respiratory distress. "Many sufferers push these complaints on the age or on the bronchi and therefore do not go to the doctor," reports the German Heart Foundation. According to the heart specialist Professor Dr. med. med. However, Thomas Meinertz, Chairman of the Board of the German Heart Foundation, "must be clarified at an early age by the physician to prevent such ailments and their causes in order to prevent progression of coronary heart disease and a life-threatening situation such as heart attack."

Affected displace their complaints
Coronary heart disease is the focus of today's Herzwochen of the German Heart Foundation. According to the experts, approximately 665,000 patients are hospitalized every year in Germany because of coronary heart disease, more than 59,000 patients die from a heart attack. Nevertheless, "many people know nothing about this disease" and even "sufferers often displace the symptoms or they take the coronary heart disease seriously only when it has led to a heart attack and heart failure," explained Prof. Meinertz. According to the German Heart Foundation, around half of men and 32 percent of women in Germany suffer from coronary heart disease during their lifetime. "That does not have to be, because the illness and its symptoms can be recognized early and treated effectively by a healthy lifestyle, by eliminating the risk factors, by medication, also by catheter intervention and bypass surgery," emphasized the CEO of the German Heart Foundation.

Risk factors of coronary heart disease
The main causes of coronary heart disease, according to the German Heart Foundation "our current lifestyle: improper diet (too many calories, too much fat and too much sugar), obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and stress." These lead to the "risk factors hypertension, lipid metabolism disorder (high cholesterol) and diabetes. "According to the experts, a healthy lifestyle would reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease by 80 to 90 percent. "Particularly insidious in coronary heart disease is that it has a dangerous, a harmless and a less harmless face," said the director of the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases at the German Heart Center Munich, Prof. Dr. med. med. Heribert Schunkert. Although the disease is generally the basis of a heart attack, "the changes in the coronary vessels, which can be found in a cardiac catheterization, for example, dwelling for decades, without the patient noticing anything and without that something bad Schunkert, who is also a member of the Advisory Council of the German Heart Foundation, continues.

Recognize and treat the risk factor in good time
It can be noted that coronary heart disease is often only advanced, with the typical chest pain (also known as angina pectoris) radiating into the shoulder, into the jaw and into the upper abdomen. Most of the complaints go back quickly, as soon as the physical stress is stopped or the mental pressure subsides. Affected patients tend to avoid physical exertion, which promotes disease progression and a self-reinforcing cycle. According to Prof. Schunkert, therefore, much depends on the fact that the risk factors of coronary heart disease are discovered and treated in good time "before they ruin vessels and thus the entire body." An angina pectoris develops according to the experts for many years and leaves Avoid early treatment of coronary heart disease. If no countermeasures are taken, however, a long-term heart attack threatens.

Lifestyle as a major cause of coronary heart disease
Although factors such as age, gender, heredity and environmental conditions have an influence on the likelihood of coronary heart disease, the main cause remains the way of life. Stephan Gielen from the University Hospital Halle. In order to minimize the risk of disease should, according to the experts on a healthy diet with as little meat, vegetables, salad, fruit and fish to be respected. The so-called Mediterranean cuisine is especially recommended by the cardiologists here. This significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack and is very good for losing weight. In addition, Prof. Meinertz advises increased endurance activities. "Brisk walking, cycling, walking, jogging and swimming have a positive effect on heart health. We recommend training for at least 30 minutes, four to five times a week, "explained the cardiologist. These "regular endurance activities are worthwhile in principle, because they increase the performance and well-being, promote the reduction of stress, getting rid of smoking and losing weight," according to the release of the German Heart Foundation.

Patients can minimize the risk of coronary heart disease itself
Although the progression of coronary heart disease is usually slowed by a lifestyle change, it may also require the administration of medication and surgery. For example, existing high blood pressure or high blood sugar is often treated with medication to prevent further damage to the blood vessels. In addition, according to the experts, "the catheter technique with stent treatment and the bypass operation available" when the heart is already impaired in its function. Overall, many patients with coronary heart disease, "who are treated in a timely and correct manner - if they adapt to a healthy lifestyle and consistently treat the risk factors - can live almost as long and well as healthy people," explained Prof. Meinertz and added, "Patients have a great deal in their own hands not only to live longer, but to live well longer." (fp)

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