Headache - which can help against cluster pain and migraine

Headache - which can help against cluster pain and migraine / Health News
Those who suffer from migraine headaches and cluster headaches will simply wish for a headache. Although there are drugs, but above all, the patients must learn to get used to the pain.

More than 360 different headaches
Headache is not just headache, according to Prof. Hartmut Göbel of the pain clinic in Kiel, there are over 360 different types of headache.

There are 360 ​​different types of headaches. (Marijus / fotolia.com)

Like a thunderbolt
A mysterious headache hits those affected like a clap of thunder, and that's why it's called
primary thunderclap headache. To this day the cause is unknown. Above all, the doctor must rule out a serious illness, because dangerous illnesses show similar symptoms. These include cerebral hemorrhage and tumors.

Secondary headache
The less common headaches are secondary headaches. Here is the headache symptom of another physical suffering. Cause can be organ damage, stimulants or medicines. The notorious hangover after the alcohol intoxication is, for example, a secondary headache.

Primary headache
More common are the "real" headaches, known in medicine as the primary headache. Here is the headache, especially headache and even the disease.

The sleep-tied headache
One of these primary headaches is sleep-tied headache. Here, headaches occur in attacks during sleep.

Migraine is also a primary headache. Every fifth person is affected. The pain is one-sided, hindering the sufferers enormously, hammering and requiring bed rest.

How does a migraine episode run??
Those affected are sick, they vomit and become extremely sensitive to light, noise and smells. Such attacks can last from a few hours to three days.

Certain triggers can trigger a migraine episode, including stress, light, music or alcohol. Changing weather can also be a trigger.

Little helps against migraines. But you can prevent it in moderation through a structured daily routine. This includes eating at the same times, adequate sleep and rest breaks. Even sports like cycling, hiking or swimming keep the pain at bay.

Tension headaches
This pain was perceived as oppressive. Unlike migraine, they often occur on both sides. They are called tension-type headaches because they result from tension in the muscles and nerves. For example, bilateral depressing headaches are typical after spending the day in front of the laptop.

What to do?
Tension headaches can be well prevented and often even remedied by massage, exercise and fresh air. To prevent them, incorporate relaxation exercises, back bends and exercises from the gym into the daily routine. Take a walk and breathe in the fresh air.

Cluster Headache
This pain is very rare but extremely uncomfortable. Prof. Göbel compares the feeling with a knife, which is pierced by an eye in the head.

How long does a cluster headache take??
Such a cluster headache lasts between 15 minutes and 3 hours and occurs up to eight times a day - hence the term cluster (heap).

What are the symptoms?
In cluster headaches, an eyelid often hangs down, the eye waters and the nose runs. The attacks are unilateral on the eye, forehead and temple. In addition, there are red eyes, sweating in the face, narrowed pupils, swollen eyelids, physical restlessness.

How is cluster headache treated??
The patients get triptans or oxygen. Cortisone is used for prevention. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)