Headache from a visual disturbance

Headache from a visual disturbance / Health News

Ophthalmologists can also help with headaches


Dull pressure, rhythmic throbbing, easy hammering - many people around the world regularly suffer from headaches. In the search for causes, sufferers often already have neurological, radiological or orthopedic examinations behind them. What many do not know: sometimes uncorrected vision problems or miscalculated eyeglasses cause severe headaches. Thus, the onset from the age of 45 years old-sightedness initially often goes unnoticed and causes a buzz. Many find a solution in progressive spectacles. However, their optical properties are often considered as getting used to and may also cause headaches. Here, the procedures of refractive surgery - the surgery of refractive errors - provide an alternative without a long period of habituation.

A first step into a headache-free everyday life is a visit to the ophthalmologist. „Regular eye checks clarify undetected sight defects and altered eyesight“, knows Dr. Kaweh Schayan-Araghi, Board Member of the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists and Medical Director of the Artemis Eye Clinic in Frankfurt. Sometimes adjusting the glasses frees you from headaches. Even with unrecognized presbyopia, stress-relieving headaches occur after prolonged reading or persevering computer work. Thus, screen activity constantly stimulates the eyes to focus more sharply by constantly switching between keyboard and monitor. It is increasingly difficult for age-sighted people to adapt to different distances. This sometimes causes a bad headache. In addition to a visual aid for the near range need affected for seeing in the distance, still no or their usual glasses. In the latter case, therefore, many resort to progressive lenses so that they do not have to constantly handle multiple spectacles. These correct all vision errors steplessly with sliding transitions. Since the viewing areas in progressive lenses are relatively small, their wearers must turn the head when changing the line of sight to avoid blurring between near and far. Even when looking to the side of the head must follow the eye movement, because border areas otherwise blurred. Here, progressive lenses demand a lot of discipline from their wearers. Because optical distortions make the wearing of glasses not only unpleasant, but severe eyes and often cause persistent headache.

Above all, active people perceive progressive lenses as a limitation. „In order to get along without annoying glasses with increasing age, eye surgery offers those affected special solutions. Corneal inlays, monovision LASIK, Intracor procedures or the insertion of multifocal lenses are only a few examples“, so Dr. Schayan-Araghi. The most common method for correcting presbyopia is the replacement of the body's own lenses with multifocal lenses. They enable sharp vision at different distances and eliminate the need for progressive lenses. This method is considered safe, as ophthalmologists have been replacing natural lenses with artificial ones for over 60 years in gray-star treatments. „In the foreground, above all, is to increase the quality of life in everyday life. Headaches from over-stressed eyes are a thing of the past“, explains Dr. Schayan-Araghi. (Pm)

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