Consuming marijuana without significant consequences for physical health

Consuming marijuana without significant consequences for physical health / Health News
Scientists are studying the physical effects of marijuana
The consumption of marijuana is widespread today. More and more countries are loosening their laws and starting to legalize the plant. But is smoking marijuana really safe for our body? Researchers now found that people who smoked marijuana by the age of 20 were usually just as healthy as people who had never taken drugs.

In times of growing popularity for the legalization of marijuana, the question arises as to whether smoking marijuana does not entail many health risks. Researchers from Duke University in Durham found that while marijuana users were at an increased risk for gum disease, they did not experience significantly increased health problems in those individuals. The authors published the results of their study in the journal "JAMA Psychiatry".

Smoking marijuana does not seem to seriously harm our physical health. Apart from gum disease, researchers have found no other significant physical drawbacks of consumption. (Image: ShutterDivision /

The main health problem of marijuana consumers is periodontal disease
There are many people in the world who consume marijuana. Earlier studies by the same research team had already shown that marijuana users had a higher risk of cognitive deterioration and relegation to lower social and economic strata. The new investigation is now focused on the physical health of marijuana smokers, say the physicians. This time, the experts could not find any particular burden on our health except an increased risk of gum disease. The only proven health problem seems to be periodontal disease, said lead author Terrie Moffitt of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

What is periodontitis?
In periodontal disease, the gums are inflamed around the teeth. The gums then retract from the teeth, creating so-called pockets in the small spaces. In these bacteria can then einnisten that lead to inflammation. If left untreated, periodontal disease can even result in tooth loss, explain the experts.

Study examines over 1000 subjects
For the new study, the research team examined 1,037 people. All were born between 1972 and 1973 in New Zealand. The study of the subjects began at the age of 3 years and ended at the age of 38, say the authors. In total, about 65 percent of participants reported having smoked marijuana at some point in their lives. All subjects were under 18 years old at this time, the researchers add. The scientists found no association between the use of marijuana in adolescence and poor physical health in adulthood. Pulmonary function, metabolic health, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) were unaffected by the use of marijuana. Only an increased risk of gum disease could be related to the smoking of marijuana, the experts add.

Physical health problems through the consumption of tobacco
When you smoke, your gums heat up. This can cause inflammation, which is bad for our teeth, says Moffitt. By comparison, researchers also investigated whether tobacco smoking leads to any negative consequences for our health. They found a number of health problems that are caused by the consumption of tobacco. These included, for example, inflammation, periodontal disease, problems with cholesterol and blood sugar, and pulmonary function difficulties, say the doctors.

Cannabis does not seem to pose a serious public health problem
Cannabis is not a big public health issue right now, the authors explain. Consumption can cause psychological problems, but these effects affect very few people. Greater are the dangers of consuming alcohol and tobacco. In addition, many more people consume alcohol and tobacco, which makes the impact on public health much more dramatic, the physicians add. (As)