Consumption of caffeinated drinks is a risk factor for pregnancy

Consumption of caffeinated drinks is a risk factor for pregnancy / Health News
Consumption of caffeinated drinks is a risk factor for pregnancy
The caffeine consumption of both parents before pregnancy has a significant impact on the risk of miscarriage. In a recent study, scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Ohio State University in Columbus found that consuming two or more caffeinated drinks per day in advance of pregnancy significantly reduces the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. However, a daily intake of vitamins in mothers can significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage, the researchers report from their current study results.

Both the caffeine consumption of the mothers, as well as the caffeine intake of the fathers in the run-up to the procreation of a child according to the latest study results have significant influence on the course of pregnancy. The chance of a successful course of pregnancy is significantly impaired if at least two caffeinated drinks are consumed per day, the scientists report. The results of her research were published in the journal "Fertility and Sterility".

Caffeine consumption by women and men in the run-up to pregnancy has a significant influence on the course of pregnancy. (Image: clownbusiness /

Data from 344 pairs evaluated
As part of their study, the scientists from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and Ohio State University evaluated the data from 344 couples and their respective course of pregnancy. These were all singleton pregnancies and the couples were still observed after conception over a period of seven weeks of pregnancy. The analyzed data came from the so-called LIFE study, which was conducted to examine links between fertility, lifestyle and exposure to environmental chemicals.

Older women with significantly more abortions
Among the couples considered, researchers analyzed lifestyle factors such as cigarette consumption, intake of caffeinated drinks, eating organic foods, and taking vitamins. Here they searched for possible connections with the course of pregnancy. The scientists found various factors that correlated with an early termination of pregnancy. Of the 344 pregnancies, 98 were miscarriages (28 percent) and, for example, in women over the age of 35 years, the risk of miscarriage (hazard ratio 1.96) was almost twice as high as among younger women. While the study is not designed to provide conclusive explanations for the cause-and-effect relationship, the advanced age of sperm and egg or the cumulative exposure to environmental contaminants in older couples may increase miscarriage risk, the researchers report.

Two caffeinated drinks per day significantly increase the miscarriage risk
An almost as clear correlation could be found according to the report of the NICHD between the likelihood of miscarriage and the caffeine consumption of expectant parents (hazard ratio 1.74 women: 1.73 men). "Both male and female consumption of more than two caffeine-containing drinks per day was associated with an increased risk ratio," the scientists report. A successful pregnancy would be more likely to fail if a woman and / or her partner drink more than two caffeinated drinks per day during the weeks prior to conception, the study authors warn. Previous studies have already shown an association between the caffeine intake of women in early pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage.

Taking vitamins reduces the risk of miscarriage
"Our findings provide useful information for couples planning to become pregnant and minimizing the risk of early abortions," explains lead author of the study. Germaine Buck Louis of the NICHD. It also becomes clear that the male partner also plays a role. Her consumption of caffeine was just as much associated with the risk of premature abortion as her caffeine intake, the researchers report. However, the scientists were also able to identify lifestyle factors associated with a significantly reduced risk of miscarriage in their analyzes. This effect was particularly pronounced in the daily intake of vitamins. By such in the run-up to pregnancy, the risk of abortion has reduced by 55 percent and with vitamin intake in the first weeks of pregnancy, even a reduction of 79 percent had been detectable, write. Buck and colleagues in the NICHD press release on recent study results. (Fp)