Conference on Complementary Medicine in Warsaw

International Conference on Complementary Medicine in Warsaw: Hyperthermia is part of an integrative medicine for the prevention and treatment of cancer
The Polish Woman and Nature Foundation hosted the first Integrative Approach in Disease Prevention and Treatment Conference on March 29, 2014 in Warsaw. Experts from Poland, Italy, Hungary and Germany discussed the prospects of complementary medicine combining conventional and alternative therapies. PD Dr. Olivér Szász, Managing Director of Oncotherm GmbH, spoke about locoregional hyperthermia: “Oncothermia: Principles and Practices of a Safe Hyperthermia“. Szász is Associate Professor at the Department of Biotechnics, St. Istvan University, Hungary.
Other aspects of hyperthermia in cancer included Prof. Alexander Herzog, a graduate of Heidelberg University and a professor at the University of Seville. In his opinion, traditional treatments in oncology are limited if their side effects destroy the quality of life. However, it is possible to optimize conventional chemotherapy or radiation therapies complementary medicine, for example by hyperthermia (heat therapy). To maintain the quality of life, improve and follow the guiding principle: A patient is considered as a whole, not as a machine that can be repaired like a car. In this view, salutogenesis - as a science of the genesis of health - and pathogenesis - complement one another as a science of the origin of disease.
Complementary medicine pursues the goal of integrating naturopathic and alternative therapies in orthodox medical procedures. A broad approach to this is represented by Dr. med. Preeti Agrawal, one of the initiators of the congress. Born in India, she has been a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics in Poland for over 20 years. She advocates the integration of traditional academic knowledge with natural treatments including emotional and spiritual factors. (Ag)