Buying condoms is still uncomfortable for many people

Survey: Buying condoms is still embarrassing for many
Although contraception is likely to be a constant issue for almost every teenager and adult, most people still find it uncomfortable to buy condoms at the grocery store. According to a survey, the purchase of condoms is embarrassing almost every fifth German.
Buying a condom is embarrassing for every fifth German citizen
Although sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise and condoms provide good protection against infection, buying groceries in the supermarket is still a nuisance to many. As the German press agency reports, a survey commissioned by the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV) showed that the purchase of condoms is embarrassing for almost every fifth German (18 percent) - both men and women. For younger people between the ages of 18 and 24, for example, almost every second (42 percent) is uncomfortable about getting condoms. According to the information, nearly half of the respondents (46 percent) stated that they are afraid of becoming infected with new or changing partners during sex with a sexually transmitted disease.
New reconnaissance campaign
As part of the new education campaign of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) "Give AIDS no chance", which now runs under the motto "love life", are among other cartoons as poster motifs to see with slogans such as "No matter what you are, uses condoms "or" your ex is still itching? Off to the doctor ". The messages are to be read on more than 65,000 billboards. In addition, a kind of reissue of the cinema and TV spot classic "Tina, wat cost the condoms?" From 1989 in the program. In the new video, the comedy star Ingolf Lück, who played a teenager at the shameful condom purchase, appears as a father, who buys condoms together with his film son in the supermarket. (Ad)