Compensating for diminishing eyesight

When eyes get worse, can be compensated
The loss of sight is primarily a medical problem. If this results in occupational restrictions, the person concerned should be informed at the first sign and, if necessary, resort to aids such as a larger monitor or special goggles. A very first consultation is offered by specialized opticians or rehabilitation facilities. Here one learns what aids are possible, so that despite diminishing eyesight can continue to work.
According to Michael Herbst of the German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired, for example, a loupes, a larger computer monitor or a screen reader can help those affected. If this aid is no longer sufficient, the employee is very likely to have to take a break from work and acquire new work techniques. The Vocational Training Center offers a number of options. The techniques include a computer with braille display and voice output to operate and instead of key commands to control the operation via mouse clicks. This gives people with severe visual impairment the opportunity to continue to do PC work. (Fr)