Coma drinking among teenagers more popular

Coma drinking among teenagers more popular / Health News

Despite the dangers it takes „Binge drinking“ continue to grow among adolescents


The so-called „Binge drinking“, in the juvenile drink partially to unconsciousness alcohol, carries great health dangers. Alcohol intoxication, brain damage, coma and even the death of the person affected can be the result. Nevertheless, the reports of young people in the emergency department with almost absurd alcohol levels do not stop. AOK boss Martin Litsch recently commented on the numbers of teenagers „coma drinkers“ in Schleswig-Holstein to the news agency „dpa“.

Improve the living conditions of adolescents and addiction prevention against „Binge drinking“
In Schleswig-Holstein seems to be „Binge drinking“ to enjoy great popularity among young people. As the health insurance company AOK announced, last year 255 minors had to be treated for alcohol abuse in hospitals. Although alcohol excesses in the 12- to 15-year-olds decline significantly, 16- to 20-year-olds experienced a jump of 16 percent compared to 2011.

The AOK spoke of alarming numbers. AOK boss Martin Litsch demanded from those responsible, young people continue to detail the dangers of „coma drunkenness“ enlighten. According to this, especially parents and teachers should draw attention to the topic and set limits for minors. Litsch emphasized that alcohol abuse is not a competition or sport. Rather, he could cause permanent brain damage, especially if too early alcohol is consumed too early. The policy must ensure more effective drug prevention and also urgently improve the living conditions of young people.

parents of „coma drinkers“ usually feel helpless
Recently, the case of a 15-year-old from Witten had made headlines. The girl had drunk so much vodka in a short time that she suffered a severe alcohol intoxication. After having to stay in the hospital overnight, the next day they had talks with drug counselors, who also included their parents.

Parents often felt helpless when their children drink too much alcohol, Dirk Bannasch from Diakonie's drug counseling told the newspaper „WAZ“. He advises parents to set firm rules. A general alcohol ban for young people is usually not enforceable. It would be better to take two glasses of non-alcoholic drinks after each glass of alcohol. If this is followed, drinking will take longer and thirst will decrease. (Ag)

Image: J.Bredehorn