To appeal to colleagues for reckless and risky behavior

To appeal to colleagues for reckless and risky behavior / Health News
Colleagues should be addressed for reckless behavior
In today's world of work, stress and congestion are on the increase. Often, because of lack of time, workers often ignore regulations that should actually serve their health. These colleagues should be made aware of their negligent behavior.

Openly approach colleagues on risks. Image: Jeanette Dietl - fotolia

Reckless and risky behavior
In many professions it happens that colleagues do not use aids or lift too much. Often the - actual or supposed - congestion of employees is the reason that they are not so much aware of such circumstances. Last but not least, people who work in the care sector can repeatedly observe frivolous and risky behavior of colleagues. Since a nationwide nursing emergency in hospitals has been complaining for a long time, this is not really surprising. Employees should be addressed in such cases on the errors.

Conversation in a quiet minute
Sabine Gregersen, a graduate psychologist at the German Employers' Liability Insurance Association for Health Services and Welfare (BGW), told the news agency dpa: "The reason that those affected do not comply with the regulations is often a lack of time." Those affected also harm themselves They should therefore be approached by colleagues on their risky behavior. This does not have to be immediate, it is best to wait a quiet minute. For example, a situation in which one is only a couple and the closing time is approaching. When the time comes, it is important not to blame the other, but to choose self-messages and, for example, say, "I notice that you never use resources, but there should be time." Such discussions can help that unhealthy behaviors do not even occur in the workplace. (ad)