Coconut water a diet but no sportsman drink

Coconut water a diet but no sportsman drink / Health News

Coconut water should be particularly low in calories and at the same time rich in minerals


Coconut water is now one of the trend drinks. Celebrities like Rihanna or Madonna have demonstrated it and even own shares in manufacturing companies. Even among athletes, coconut water enjoys ever greater popularity. The nutrition expert Heidrun Schubert of the consumer center Bavaria explains in an interview with the news agency „dpa“, why, however, the new trendy drink is less of a drink for athletes and rather than a drinker
Diet drink is suitable.

Coconut water contains many healthy nutrients, but is less suitable as a sports drink
Coconut water is low in calories, contains less sugar than many juices and hardly any fat. It consists of numerous nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, valuable enzymes and other phytochemicals. Coconut water, for example, has a high content of calcium, magnesium and potassium. So 250 ml of coconut water should contain even more potassium than a banana. The beneficial drink is made from unripe coconuts, but is not to be confused with the coconut milk extracted from the coconut white pulp.

Despite the many healthy ingredients of coconut water, diet expert Schubert advises against its use as a sports drink. Although it has "a high potassium content, but little sodium in Kokoaswasser contained", which is very important for athletes. „An apple spritzer is certainly better“, so Schubert. In addition, the low-calorie drink hardly hold protein, which supports the muscle. The mostly relatively expensive drink is more suitable for the nutrition expert as a diet drink, since it contains comparatively few calories. (Ag)

Image: Dieter Schütz