Coconut oil in the test Good for frying but bad for the cholesterol level

Coconut oil in the test Good for frying but bad for the cholesterol level / Health News

Saturated fat: why coconut oil should be used only in moderation

Although coconut oil has been repeatedly praised in the past as a true "miracle and cure", but now more and more experts point out that this oil is not so healthy. An expert from Stiftung Warentest also advises using coconut oil only in moderation. Because it is bad for the cholesterol level.

Healthy or unhealthy?

In the past, coconut oil was almost only found in Asian grocery stores or health food stores in Germany. However, coconut vegetable fat has become increasingly popular and is now available in many supermarkets. In recent years, coconut oil has been repeatedly praised as a new "superfood", which is to serve the health. But more and more experts doubt that coconut oil is actually the healthier alternative and advise against partial consumption. Stiftung Warentest also recommends using the oil only in moderation.

Stiftung Warentest tested 15 coconut oils. An expert of the foundation advises to use such oils only in moderation. (Image: Picture Partners /

15 products tested

Coconut oil is trendy. Most of the products on the German market carry the organic seal and the suffix "native".

As explained by Stiftung Warentest on its website, this means that the oil is pressed by mechanical processes, without heat from coconut meat and should not be treated further.

The consistency is creamy to firm, coconut oil begins to melt only from a temperature of about 25 degrees. In the warm climate of its homeland, it is liquid - hence the name "oil".

Stiftung Warentest has examined 15 coconut oils for the December issue of its journal test. The products are from the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. They cost between eleven and 30 euros per liter.

Good for frying

According to the information, most oils are good in flavor and suitable for frying, as they can be heated very high. Food such as tofu or meat will be particularly crispy.

The testers compared the roasting properties of the oils with the kitchen classic Palmin. Also Palmin is based on the fat of the coconut, but is refined and therefore tastes neutral.

According to a press release, five coconut oils achieve a good test quality rating, seven are satisfactory, two are sufficient and one is deficient.

In the product of Aldi Nord pollutants were found, including mineral oil components and plasticizers. In addition, it is not a native coconut oil.

According to the information, the discounter has meanwhile taken his "GutBio Bio Natives coconut oil" out of the market.

Use only in moderation

"You should only use coconut oil in moderation, because it contains predominantly saturated fatty acids, which increase the bad cholesterol in the blood and thus the risk of cardiovascular disease," says dr. Birgit Rehlender, food expert at Stiftung Warentest.

"The proportion of saturated fatty acids in coconut oil is 90 percent," says the expert.

By comparison, when it comes to olive oil, saturated fats make up only 17 percent and rapeseed oil as little as eight percent.

Coconut milk can be used like cream

But even if there is criticism, coconut oil is according to experts the only gently pressed vegetable oil, which develops no health-damaging trans fats under high heat.

The Stiftung Warentest also refers to its website on the difference to the coconut milk: While coconut oil is almost 100 percent fat like every oil and 100 grams provide 900 kilocalories, coconut milk offers much less of both.

Their fat content is therefore often around 20 percent, the energy content by 180 kilocalories per 100 grams. Coconut milk can be used like cream, scoring that it contains one-third less fat and energy than cream. (Ad)