Artificial insemination 4 times more often stillbirths

Artificial insemination 4 times more often stillbirths / Health News

Artificial insemination: stillbirths four times more frequently: women who become pregnant during a test tube or sperm injection fertilization have stillbirth four times more frequently, Danish scientists said in the journal „Human Reproduction“ With.

Women who become pregnant during test tube or sperm injection fertilization have stillbirths four times more frequently, Danish researchers said in the journal „Human Reproduction“ With.They highlighted the background of about 20,000 women who had their first child in a study that is the largest ever in this field. If a pair of couples fails for one year, despite regular unprotected intercourse, the woman becomes pregnant, the treatment can be chosen as part of artificial insemination. One possibility is in vitro fertilization (IVF): In this case, egg cells of the woman are mixed with the treated sperm of the man in the test tube and it should come to fertilization. Another option is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). There, a sperm is introduced into a prepared egg of the woman.

In the investigation of the Danish scientists, to the head of the study Kirsten Wisborg from the Danish University Hospital Aarhus, 4 percent of women had an IVF. Some of them also the ICSI. Here the risk of stillbirth with 16.2 per thousand occurred four times more frequently. Those affected found that the infants were four weeks behind in maturing, compared to stillbirths of women who had not been artificially fertilized.

However, the researchers also pointed out that the possibility of stillbirth in the context of artificial insemination is still very low. Furthermore, there is no background information or comparative data on lifestyle, pre-existing conditions, body mass, etc ...
So it is difficult to say from the available data, what exactly had an impact on the total of stillbirths and what causes and factors may be responsible. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 24.02.2010)

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