Caraway medicinal plant 2016 relieves bloating and stomach ache

Caraway medicinal plant 2016 relieves bloating and stomach ache / Health News
Cumin can do more than most think
Caraway is known to many people only as a spice for food and cake. But caraway not only makes bread and cabbage more digestible. This spice can do a lot more. Caraway is considered one of the oldest medicinal plants in Europe. Already in the Neolithic period (about 3.000 BC) the plant was used. Archaeologists found traces in remnants of settlements from that period. Our ancestors also used cumin as a medicinal plant.

For flatulence and cramps in the gastrointestinal area caraway is considered by far the most effective herbal remedy. The plant also has a scientifically recognized, healing effect. Caraway oil, for example, can relieve stomach cramps and prevent indigestion. Now Caraway has been chosen as the medicinal plant of the year 2016.

Caraway as a spice
Caraway is one of the oldest spices in our culture. However, there are many people who absolutely do not like the taste of cumin. The reason could be that cumin has a very intense aroma. The spice should always be prepared properly, it is recommended to grind the cumin as small as possible. This gives dishes a particularly mild spice. Caraway is considered to promote digestion, which is why especially indigestible dishes or puffing dishes are prepared with caraway. Caraway, however, has other health-promoting properties.

Caraway has been known for centuries as a medicinal plant. (Image: Schlierner /

Caraway as a medicine
There are many different uses for caraway. Seeds of cumin and the existing essential oils are rich in flavonoids. These have an antioxidant effect. Flavonoids protect our body from free radicals and their damaging effects on our cells. Caraway oil is able to curb inflammation. The oil inhibits the activity of special enzymes. These so-called "myeloperoxidase" can cause inflammation in our body. Cumin oil can even protect against colon cancer. A 2011 study showed that the administration of caraway oil produced significantly fewer anomalous glands in the intestinal mucosa. These are considered precursors of polyps and colon cancer. In natural medicine, cumin is also used against toothache, tension-type headache and migraine. The oil can be applied externally. In massages with caraway oil, active ingredients are absorbed directly through the skin. It should be noted that the tincture should be mixed with, for example, olive oil. Even caraway as a bath additive has a refreshing and invigorating effect. Chewing grains of the plant is said to prevent bad breath.

Further studies on the healing effects of cumin
In addition, it is proven that cumin helps with hypertension. Other studies have shown that the plant has diuretic properties. Given the multitude of positive effects on our health, Carum Carvi is now eligible for the 2016 medicinal plant. Every year, the University of Würzburg chooses another recognized plant with healing properties. Caraway is one of the umbelliferae (Apiaceae) and is widespread in Europe.

Use of caraway
For cumin, however, it should be noted that concentrated cumin oil should not be used during lactation or pregnancy. In high doses over a long period of time, caraway oil can also cause liver and kidney damage. Basically, cumin should not be collected by yourself. Because the fruits of the plant look very similar to the poisonous hemlock. People with asthma should not inhale the essential oils of cumin, as this can trigger an asthma attack. (As)