Hospital Ranking University Hospital Göttingen the best hospital in Germany

Hospital Ranking University Hospital Göttingen the best hospital in Germany / Health News
University Medical Center Göttingen is the best clinic in Lower Saxony
The University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) is, according to a current hospital ranking, the best hospital in Lower Saxony. Nationwide, the facility is among the top 100 out of more than 1,110 hospitals and clinics.

Germany's best hospital
As in the past, the Berlin University Hospital Charité is Germany's best hospital again this year in the annual hospital ranking of the magazine "FOCUS Gesundheit". In Lower Saxony, the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) is ranked number one in the ranking for the fifth time in a row. Nationwide, the UMG is also among the top group of 100 "Germany's top hospitals" from 1,115 hospitals and hospitals, it says in a statement.

The University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) is the best hospital in Lower Saxony according to the hospital ranking of the magazine "FOCUS Gesundheit". (Image: EPSTOCK /

Best Clinic in Lower Saxony
At number 23, the UMG is one of 28 uniclinics that completely occupy the first ranking places 1 to 28.

The UMG is in the top groups of all hospitals evaluated nationwide in the clinical pictures Alzheimer (Rank 4), Anxiety (5), Cardiology (10), Breast Cancer (11) and Colon Cancer (13).

"It is not self-evident that the University Medical Center Göttingen is once again at the forefront among Lower Saxony's clinics this year," says Prof. Dr. med. Heyo K. Kroemer, spokesman of the board of the UMG.

"First and foremost, this is due to the great dedication of the UMG staff. Every day, you are committed to ensuring that the high quality standards of university medicine in Göttingen are met. "

Satisfied patients
According to the information, more than 65,000 patients were hospitalized in the clinic last year alone.

According to Prof. Kroemer, the quality factor "patient satisfaction" has again given above-average ratings for the UMG and its employees.

Regarding the role of university medicine in the first 28 places on the FOCUS list of clinics, Prof. Heyo Kroemer said: "From first place to 28th in the hospital ranking, university hospitals are at the top. This makes it clear that university hospitals are the central pillar in the care of patients. "

And further: "This broad top in the ranking confirms the outstanding role of the uniklinika in the German healthcare system: You are top in the treatment of people with rare diseases or the most difficult clinical pictures and in emergency care." (Ad)