Clinic Blankenstein illuminates natural medicine

Clinic Blankenstein illuminates natural medicine / Health News

A traditional „Naturopathy in the afternoon“-The Naturopathy Department of the Hattinger Clinic Blankenstein is offering this in 2014. The focus is on the work of important pioneers of natural medicine, which extends into the present day.


In addition to spiritual food, the clinic also offers a small but fine naturopathic snack. Registration is not required, admission to all events is free. The events take place on Wednesdays at the roof level of the Blankenstein Clinic (Im Vogelsang 5-11, 45527 Hattingen). Further information is available by phone 02324 / 396-487 (Karin Schenke). The events at a glance:

January 8, 2014 (16-17 clock): Sebastian Kneipp and his time - Kneipp applications
With the story of Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), the namesake of the Kneipp medicine and the Kneipp cure, the water applications (hydrotherapy) from the tradition up to the present classical natural remedies are represented in the clinic Blankenstein. Wraps and pads for self-living are presented in practice. Speakers: Valentina Knaup and Alexandra Grotthaus.

March 19, 2014 (4-5 pm): Avicenna and its time - essential oils
The fragrances of Arabia are also known in Europe since the 12th century. This included the therapy with essential oils by the large Avicenna (980 - 1037). You will learn about the history and the extraction of essential oils. Participants can take samples of smells and learn practical uses of essential oils. Speaker: Annette Thiel, Svenja von Eynern.

May 14, 2014 (4-5 pm): Nature shapes our medicine
Living and inanimate nature refer to what was not created by man. Man wins his dignity. Dark forces have no ultimate power. From the healing Jesus Christ to Sebastian Kneipp and Hildegard von Bingen and us today, it is about the need for meaning and spirituality. Speaker: Dr. Martin Patzek

2 July 2014 (16-17 clock): Hildegard von Bingen u. their time - medicinal plants once and now
In her versatile work as a Benedictine, mystic, politician and musician, Hildegard von Bingen summed up her medical knowledge around 1150 and thus transmitted it to posterity. Her treatises on plants and diseases summarize the Western medical understanding of her time through monastic medicine and folk medicine. How significant Hildegard von Bingen is, shows that she was recently elevated to one of the three church teachers by the Pope after her canonization. Speakers: Ingrid Steinbach and Claudia Berg.

September 17, 2014 (4-5 pm): Aschner u. his time - leeches and cupping
The physician and medical historian Bernhard Aschner (1883-1960) has described path-breaking therapies with diverting methods in his books on constitutional therapy. These historically proven procedures, as described by Aschner in Vienna at that time, are still being successfully used therapeutically in the Naturopathy Department of the Blankenstein Clinic. These include, for example, the leech therapy and cupping therapy. Speakers: Christof Fritz and Petra Schuss.

19 November 2014 (16-17 clock): Hoffmann and his time: Treatment of teething
„Friedrich has to go to bed now, suffering a lot of pain on his leg; And the doctor sits there and gives him bitter medicine.“This quote from Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann (1809 -1894) from the Struwelpeter shows the medical side of the treatment of children. Of course, Friedrich must also be cared for. How broad the spectrum of naturopathic care in paediatrics is, is shown here by designated in the field of naturopathy pediatric nurses. Interesting tips for those who care for sick children. Speakers: Margarete Keil and Andrea Stahl. (Pm)