Climate change causes more pollination

Climate change causes more pollination / Health News

Allergy sufferers have to suffer more and more from climate change


According to a recent study, ever increasing pollen levels are expected in Europe in the future. Urban regions are particularly affected because the main cause seems to be the rising CO2 concentration. Allergy sufferers must be prepared for heavier and longer pollen count times.

Allergy sufferers in cities particularly affected
An international research team led by the ecoclimatologist Prof. Annette Menzel from the Technical University (TU) Munich writes in the online journal "PLoS ONE" that the amount of pollen in Europe has been increasing in recent years „significantly increased“ Has. This was determined using pollen time series from 13 countries. It has also been found that cities with an average of three percent pollen growth per year are particularly affected. In rural areas, the amount of pollen has increased by only one percent on average per year, as the research team of the TU announced on Monday in Munich.

Researchers had come to the conclusion that this trend would continue to intensify. Reason is the climate change and in particular the increasing CO2-burden. The increased carbon dioxide concentration accelerates plant growth and thus pollen production. This was confirmed by laboratory tests as well as some field studies. In addition, milder temperatures and immigrant plant species led to a longer pollen season. „The urban climate today is already warmer and drier, and there is also a higher level of air pollution. "In urban areas, the temperature is already one to three degrees higher than in rural areas, due to the dense development and sealing of many former ones In addition, there are the increased levels of CO2 and pollutants in the air, which are significantly influenced by traffic and industry. „We already find the conditions in urban areas that we also expect for rural areas in the future, "warns Menzel.

Number of allergy sufferers is steadily increasing
The Doctors Association of German Allergologists (ÄDA) assumes that about 23 to 25 percent of Germans are affected by hay fever. If allergic rhinitis is not treated, it will even lead to allergic asthma in one third of those affected, reports the German Pollen Information Foundation (PID).

Overall, the allergies increase. However, it is not only the amount of pollen that is decisive for the estimation of the future allergy burden, since pollen is only the carrier of allergenic substances. The allergologist Prof. Claudia Traidl-Hoffman of the Center for Allergy and the Environment of the TU and Helmholtz Zentrum München is researching together with Menzel on the development of allergies in cities and in the countryside. She found that the release of allergy-promoting substances varies from year to year. In addition, it depends on whether the pollen came from the rural or urban area. Corresponding research results will be available soon. „The view into the climate future is not only unpleasant for city dwellers, "warn the researchers.

Beware of cross allergy in pollen allergy
For pollen allergy, special care should be taken in case of pome and stone fruit due to possible cross-allergies. The European Foundation for Allergy Research (ECARF) in Berlin therefore advises eating this fruit only warmed up, as it destroys the heat-sensitive allergens. Cross-allergies occur because the allergens of the fruit are very similar in structure to those of birch pollen. The immune system may not recognize the difference and may react with the typical symptoms such as tingling and swelling in the mouth and throat area. In severe cases it can also lead to life-threatening respiratory distress situations.

For allergies help from naturopathy
In natural medicine, pollen allergy is not only considered a problem of the nose or the itchy eyes, but of the entire human organism. Many therapeutic concepts are therefore holistically oriented in natural medicine. It is in the foreground, the overreaction of the immune system to an actually harmless external stimulus back into a healthy immunological regulatory capacity of the body. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which includes acupuncture, homeopathy and therapy with nutrients can provide relief. In addition, many non-medical practitioners offer the Bach flower treatment, self-blood therapy, hypnosis and intestinal repair in pollen allergies. (Ag)

Also read:
Hayfever: Now the birch pollen is flying
Pollen allergy: The hay fever season begins
Particularly strong birch pollen flight expected
Every third German suffers from allergies
Alternative treatments for allergies
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Picture: Thomas Max Müller