Climate change Greenhouse gases are increasing dramatically

Climate change Greenhouse gases are increasing dramatically / Health News

World Meteorological Organization warns of drastic increase in greenhouse gases


The greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere has reached a new record level despite international climate change efforts, according to the latest World Meteorological Organization (WMO) communication. It is true „declining emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the industrialized nations of Europe, but in return, emissions in emerging economies have increased significantly“, reports the WMO.

30 percent increased greenhouse effect
In the years from 1990 to 2011, the greenhouse effect has already increased by about 30 percent, with carbon dioxide being responsible for 80 percent of the effect, reports the World Meteorological Organization. According to the experts, the carbon dioxide concentration increased by another 0.5 percent in 2011, even though efforts to combat climate change have intensified worldwide. „Meanwhile, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere is 40 percent higher than before the beginning of the industrial age“, reports the WMO.

„Since the beginning of the industrial era in 1750, some 375 billion tonnes of carbon have been released into the atmosphere as CO2, mainly from the burning of fossil fuels“. About half of the carbon dioxide remained in the atmosphere, the rest was taken up by the oceans and the terrestrial biosphere, explained WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud and added: „This billions of tons of additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will remain there for centuries, further heating our planet and affecting all aspects of life on Earth“ will have. The main reason for the increase in greenhouse gas concentration is „the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil in power plants worldwide“.

So far, almost half of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans has been absorbed into natural carbon sinks, but this will not necessarily continue in the future. For example, it can be seen that the oceans are becoming increasingly acidic due to the CO2 input, which could affect the underwater food chains and coral reefs. In addition, there are numerous „additional interactions between greenhouse gases, the biosphere of the earth and the oceans“, Michel Jarraud continues. According to the expert, this requires an expansion of monitoring possibilities and scientific research „to gain a better understanding of the interactions mentioned“. Because the expected increase in temperature is only one aspect of the increased greenhouse gas emissions.

As the most important greenhouse gases, the WMO mentions not only carbon dioxide but also methane and nitrogen oxides, the latter being attributed to climate effects about 300 times greater than carbon dioxide. In modern industrial nations, the problem of the greenhouse effect has long been known and many states are trying to counteract the negative development by expanding renewable energies. For example, in 2011, Germany once again reduced its carbon dioxide emissions despite economic growth and nuclear phase-out. The economic crisis in the southern European countries has also contributed to the fact that significantly fewer greenhouse gases have been emitted across Europe than in recent years. However, the massive increase in emerging market issues has made up for this positive development.

World Bank expects global warming of 4 degrees Celsius
Even the World Bank recently warned of the economic consequences of global warming. According to experts, global warming will continue until the end of this century „increase by four degrees compared to pre-industrial times“. As just tolerable, a warming of a maximum of two degrees is considered. Tolerable means that potential damage to health and the environment can be considered as justifiable.

Climatic meeting in the coming week with little prospects
In the coming week, the environment ministers of the international community want to meet in Doha for the so-called World Climate Meeting. The meeting takes place every year and has not yet achieved a breakthrough. In 2009, the conference failed in Copenhagen, after which Western industrialized nations could not agree with emerging economies on burden sharing. Environmentalists complain that still „Economic interests are the number one priority at the climate summit and urgency has not yet been recognized by all participating States. (Fp)

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Image: Bernd Wachtmeister