Corn poppy is Flower of the Year 2017

Corn poppy is Flower of the Year 2017 / Health News
In the presence of the Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks was named "Flower of the Year 2017" by the Loki Schmidt Foundation on October 31, 2016 in Berlin. Hans Ulrich Klose opened the press conference: He often visited the private house of the Schmidts. "We always hoped that Loki would be at home," recalled Hamburg's former First Mayor and dissolved: "Then Helmut milder dealt with us." At the former chancellor's wife he especially valued the balanced, positive way in which she spoke their tasks. Klose's speech is the prelude to the naming of the Flower of the Year 2017. For the first time in Berlin. For the first time in the Federal Environment Ministry.

Afterwards Axel Jahn joins the podium. The managing director of the Loki Schmidt Foundation also first of all reminds Germany's First Lady of Nature Conservation how she lovingly titled the ZEIT. With the Flower of the Year Loki Schmidt wanted to get attention for their topic: The protection of endangered native wild plants and their endangered habitats. For the 38th time, the Loki Schmidt Foundation chose a flower: "With the decision, we would like to draw attention to the endangerment and loss of farmland wild flowers. In addition, we want to support the promotion of the colorful variety in agriculture. "Originally around 350 plant species lived in the intensively managed fields. Many of them today can be considered as the biological heritage of our cultural history.

Corn poppy named plant of the year 2017. Image: annebe - fotolia

Through modern technology and spraying almost all arable plants have been pushed to the brink of extinction in recent decades. "A whole community that has accompanied us for thousands of years is in danger of disappearing," says Axel Jahn. As a result of the decline in the diversity of farmland, pollinators such as butterflies and bees are also in particular danger. Other insects and spiders that use these wild plants as food crops and as refuges are also affected. Many of these species keep agricultural pests such as aphids at bay. The impoverishment of the arable community is therefore also an increasing problem for agriculture.

Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks, on whose invitation the Hamburg Loki Schmidt Foundation traveled to Berlin for a presentation, nods in agreement to the words of Axel Jahn. "The poppy is luckily good. Unfortunately, this does not apply to many other field herbs, with which he grows together and have developed for many centuries as accompanying vegetation of crops on the fields, "she confirmed the decision. Every second field wild herb species is on the Red List in at least one state, Hendricks explained and also promotes a strengthening of organic agriculture. She praised the project "100 fields for diversity" of the German Federal Environmental Foundation, but also sees further need for action in the continuation of EU agricultural promotion, in which measures to protect arable crops should be anchored more effectively.

Guests, such as the TV-known botanist Jürgen spring or garden ambassador John Langley then accompany the round in the garden of the Federal Ministry for the Environment. Together they sow poppy for the coming year.

Anyone who would like to decorate the garden, balcony or home wall with the poppy can now order the seed postcard or the calendar from the Loki Schmidt Foundation. The donation proceeds will benefit the nature conservation projects of the foundation. Contact under [email protected] or the telephone number 040-243443.

The Loki Schmidt Foundation has been buying, designing and cultivating land for nature conservation for more than 30 years so that rare plants and animals can survive there. Many practical projects to protect nature in Hamburg and throughout Germany have made the foundation famous. With its environmental education, the foundation helps to ensure that as many people as possible, especially children and adolescents, get to know and experience nature.