Classic autumn vegetables Bitter endives with many healthy nutrients

Classic autumn vegetables Bitter endives with many healthy nutrients / Health News
Healthy, delicious and bitter: endives are full of nutrients
In autumn, the endive has high season. The tasty leaves are low in calories and rich in nutrients. Although the autumn vegetables can be made less bitter by the appropriate preparation, but it is just the bitter substances that also act digestive and appetite-stimulating.

Salad consists mostly of water
Although salad consists of 90-95 percent water, most varieties are still delicious and healthy. One variety is endive: although it can be purchased throughout the year, it is best known as a classic autumn vegetable. Endives taste spicy and pleasantly bitter bitter due to the ingredient Intybin. The bitter content can be lowered by the appropriate preparation, but the bitter substances also have a digestive effect and stimulate the appetite, reports the consumer information service aid.

Some people do not like endives because of their bitter taste. The bitter content can be lowered by the right preparation but also. But especially the bitter substances are very healthy. (Image: pilipphoto /

Bittern stimulates the appetite
The vegetables contain, among other things, the bitter substance inulin, which stimulates both bile and bladder. The bittern Intybin in turn has an appetizing effect. According to the experts, endive is therefore often served as an appetizer.

Endives contain just ten kilocalories per 100 grams and are therefore very low in calories. However, they are rich in healthy phytochemicals, including many flavonoids that are designed to fight free radicals in the body. In addition, endive scores in comparison to other salads with their content of potassium, phosphate, calcium, sodium and ß-carotene.

Endive not only in the salad
If you do not like it bitterly, it is best to lay the leaves briefly in lukewarm water or to add a pinch of sugar to the dressing. Often endive is eaten in the salad. But there are many more ways to make delicious dishes from the delicious leafy vegetables. For example, endive can be prepared like spinach and then goes well with meat, fish or seafood. The leaves also taste in a soup, in a stew or risotto. Recipes for dishes with endive, such as a delicious endive soup, can be found on the Internet. (Ad)