Lawsuits against AOK hospital comparison

Lawsuits against AOK hospital comparison / Health News

Lawsuits against AOK hospital comparison


Like the news magazine „mirror“ reported on Sunday, clinics want to defend against the AOK hospital comparison. Two latches would strain the trial against the hospital navigator.

Two pattern processes
A report of the „mirror“ According to the study, two clinics want to institute trials against the AOK hospital navigator. The St. Antonius Hospital from Eschweiler would therefore submit a complaint to the Berlin Social Court and the district clinics Gummersbach Waldbröl at the Regional Court of Cologne. The respective judges had rejected in September in both cases an urgent procedure. Later this year, the two clinics want to file their lawsuit in the main proceedings.

Legal obligation for clinics
A law requires clinics since 2005 to publish regularly in a quality report how well they care for their patients. The assessments of the AOK Hospital Navigator, which began almost three years ago, go beyond the legal requirements. For this reason, the cash register can evaluate anonymised billing data of its insured persons. By contrast, the clinics want to defend themselves in court. The head of health at the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband commented positively on introduction of the Navigator: „From the patient's point of view, this is an important step forward.“ The rating portal is open to all visitors, even if they are not insured with the AOK.

Good quality of supply attested
Overall, the German hospitals will be loud „mirror“ although in the new quality report 2012 one „good quality of care“ attests. However, the paper, which the Federal Joint Committee of health insurances, clinics and doctors will present in Berlin this week, laments a serious number of deviations. Above all, this applies when patients can use an artificial heart valve via a catheter. The two clinics would receive financial aid from the legal cost fund of the Krankenhausgesellschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen for their claim. According to a circular, the company plans to provide its members with a legal opinion at the beginning of November, which will be followed by another „suitably interested hospitals“ could use. (Ad)

Picture: Martin Büdenbender