KKH Allianz insured urged to cancel?

KKH Allianz insured urged to cancel? / Health News

Federal Government: At least 135 treasury members persuaded to change


The statutory health insurance KKH alliance is said to have pushed at least 135 insured to the termination. This would have employees of the cashier massively harassed the victims on the phone. The insurance scandal was revealed by the ZDF political magazine „Frontal 21st“. After the broadcast, the federal government also dealt with the case. The KKH alliance denies a systematic system behind it, but regrets it „Isolated cases“.

According to a report of the ZDF magazine, the KKH alliance, headquartered in Hanover, is said to have forced seriously ill people to change their health insurance by making phone calls. For the health insurance, seriously ill people are obviously incalculable cost factors and mean higher expenses. Since the statutory health insurance is obligated to take each member of the health insurance regardless of age, gender and previous illnesses, the Federal Government has also been involved in the case.

135 insured from the health insurance crowded
According to the current state of knowledge, at least two employees of the KKH alliance should have persuaded around 135 particularly cost-intensive insured persons on the phone to change the cash register. The magazine Frontal 21 relies on internal telephone logs, which were made by the employees. In estimated 200 calls „At the end of 2011, insured persons were supposed to have an unacceptable influence on changing the health insurance fund. "After the calls, at least 135 insured persons gave in to the pressure on the phone and changed the number Health insurance.

When the scandal became public in October, the fund announced a comprehensive internal audit. The Federal Government refers to the final report in response to the small request of the Left Party. The ZDF reported that the KKH alliance ostensibly had its employees call chronically ill patients who would not have paid the temporary additional contribution. In the course of this „advised“ the employees the insured to change the health insurance. After broadcasting the broadcast, the KKH alliance denied having done so systematically. Nevertheless, were „in individual cases“ already acknowledged errors. Currently, the health insurance company has around 1.8 million members.

Insured were abgewimmelt on the phone
The answer also revealed new findings on a similar case. When the City BKK went bankrupt and therefore had to close, the insured had to look for a new fund. Great difficulties had older and chronic patients. Especially in Berlin and Hamburg, those affected by a number of funds were already abgewimmelt on the phone.

„Despite legal regulations, older and / or chronically ill insured persons are discriminated against“, criticizes a spokesman for the Left Party. The events were a proof that health insurance companies „negative consequences due to the sicker“. The current configuration of the so-called „morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation“ are apparently not enough to eliminate the problem, criticizes the left. (Sb)

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KKH Allianz urged severely ill people to give notice

Picture: Robert Müller