Cherry juice prevents muscle soreness

Cherry juice prevents muscle soreness / Health News

Cherries reduce the risk of sore muscles


Cherries not only taste great, they are also very healthy. Cherries are said to be high in valuable minerals, vitamin C, potassium, and protect against excessive muscle soreness after an intense exercise program, as scientists from the University of Michigan have recently discovered.

Cherries in natural medicine
In natural medicine red cherries are considered as uric acid lowering and thus preventive against gout. In addition, cherries are anti-inflammatory, prevent the high potassium content of cardiovascular disease and inhibit the development of cancer cells. Researchers at the University of Michigan have taken a closer look at the natural all-rounders. The scientists discovered during a study that cherries inhibit muscle soreness and strengthen physical fitness.

Cherry juice reduces the development of muscle soreness
During the course of the study, the participants were divided into two equal groups. One half of the volunteers got a glass of freshly squeezed sour cherry juice to drink before each sports session. The other half of the subjects served as a comparison group and got a drink without active ingredient. The result amazed even the researchers. The participants, who drank cherry juice, did not suffer after sports training or if only rarely from muscle soreness. Depending on the condition, the other participants showed symptoms of muscle soreness of varying severity.

Sore muscles due to small inflammations
Some time ago it was assumed that muscle soreness is the result of acidity of the muscle due to lactic acid. This therapy is considered refuted today. Rather, for example, caused by overloading the muscle parts small cracks in the Z-slices in the muscle tissue. The inflammation caused by the mini-tears, in turn, lead to the ingress of water and the swelling of the muscles. This leads to the well-known pain. The researchers assume that the polyphenols in the cherries intercept the free radicals that arise when the body is under high stress. The substances of the cherries have an anti-inflammatory effect on the small muscle tears.

Cherries help build muscle
Most of these phytochemicals are contained in sour cherries. They contain twice as many polyphenols as sweet cherries. Most positive plant compounds are in the shade morels and in the „Stevnsbear Brigitte“ Variety included. Last is quite unknown in Germany, but is very popular in Denmark. The researchers observed that the darker the cherries were, the more polyphenols were contained.

Cherries not only reduce the onset of muscle soreness but also help build muscle. Cherries prevent fine muscle fiber tears and reduce the storage of fat. While cherry juice drinkers only lost about four percent of their muscle power after the sports units, on average, they consume about 22 percent if no cherry juice was consumed. If you want to improve your training effect in a positive and healthy way, you should drink a glass of cherry juice before each workout. Cherries should always be eaten ripe and fresh. (Sb)

Image: Petra Hegewald