Kickstart for Health - Tips for a Healthier 2019

Kickstart for Health - Tips for a Healthier 2019 / Health News

This is how you live healthier in 2019

The turn of the year is used by many people to make positive changes in their lives. Here are the best health tips recommended by London nutrition experts to make the year 2019 healthier.

Researchers at King's College London summarized the best study-based health tips at the turn of the year. Just a few small changes in diet, exercise, breathing and sleep can bring about major improvements in overall health.

These tips can help to achieve a generally better state of health by 2019. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Eat nuts regularly

Nuts are very healthy and bring numerous health benefits. Several studies have already shown that eating nuts results in lower and slower release of fat in the bloodstream. According to the nutrition experts, this can contribute to the protection against obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes as well as to a better intestinal health.

Are nuts calorie bombs?

Nuts are considered calorie bombs because they are high in energy and fat. However, researchers from the Department of Nutritional Sciences at King's College London have found that around 20 percent of the nuts eaten in the body are not absorbed. Thus, a portion of the nut calories are unconsumed excreted again. "We should distance ourselves from the long-held belief that nuts are full of calories and blame for weight gain," write the experts at King's College London in a press release.

Take the right fiber

Although it has long been known that fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. However, recent studies have shown that certain dietary fiber is more beneficial than others. This refers to the so-called prebiotics. They serve as a food for certain bacteria in the intestine, which in turn are important for intestinal health. For example, many prebiotics are found in artichokes, chicory, leeks, onions, garlic, wheat and rye.

Not all fiber is the same

"We have shown that not all fiber is the same," says nutritionist Professor Kevin Whelan of King's College London. The type of fiber consumed can influence and adapt the intestinal flora.

Reduce depression

An analysis of data from more than a quarter of a million people has shown that regular exercise reduces the risk of developing depression. "There is clear evidence that people who are more active have a lower risk of developing depression," Dr. Felipe Barreto Schuch, who led the analysis. This positive aspect was independent of the age and place of residence of the participants.

Stay young and fit longer

But exercise can not only protect against depression. Another study showed that lifelong exercise training keeps the body young and healthy longer and ultimately slows down the aging process. In older people, regular exercise was associated with less loss of muscle mass and strength. There was also a smaller increase in body fat and cholesterol levels. In addition, the study also found that people with adequate exercise have a better immune system than the untrained.

Ensure better air quality

Recent studies have shown that air pollution is having an increasingly negative impact on public health. Researchers at King's College London recommend walking or cycling more often. In the best case you should choose routes that are not located on main roads. Driving a car not only contributes to air pollution, but inside the vehicle cabin, the air is also often more heavily loaded than outside, so the experts.

Improve your sleep quality

Many people do not sleep enough. New research has shown that prolonged sleep helps to reduce the intake of sugary foods. "Our findings suggest that increasing your sleep time by an hour or more contributes to a healthier diet," says Research Director Haya Al Khatib. But you should not sleep too long. Another study showed that sleep times of over eight hours have a negative effect on heart health. (Vb)