AI can recognize Alzheimer's ten years before the onset of the disease

AI can recognize Alzheimer's ten years before the onset of the disease / Health News
New developments could allow the early prediction of Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's diseases are affecting more and more older people today. Physicians have been looking for ways to determine the risk for the onset of the disease early on. Researchers from Italy have now developed Artificial Intelligence, which Alzheimer's can detect as early as ten years before the onset of the first symptoms.

Scientists at the University of Bari in Italy developed software that detects small structural changes in the brain that, years later, can lead to mild cognitive disorders and the development of Alzheimer's. The doctors now publish the results of their study.

Newly developed software could revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The artificial intelligence Alzheimer can diagnose the first symptoms already ten years before the occurrence. (Image:

Prediction of Alzheimer's disease was 86 percent accurate
The newly developed artificial intelligence for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease, analyzed the images of a magnetic resonance tomograph and was able to diagnose with an 86 percent probability of Alzheimer's disease, ten years before the first symptoms appear, the researchers report.

Artificial intelligence recognizes changes in the brain
Small structural changes in the brain may indicate cognitive disorders and Alzheimer's. The algorithm of the new software can detect such changes and thus determine the probability for the emergence of Alzheimer's within the next ten years, explain the authors. The artificial intelligence looked for differences in the connectivity of the brains of later Alzheimer's patients and the control group.

Early diagnosis makes it easier for patients to deal with the disease
If Alzheimer's is diagnosed early, this is certainly no reason to be happy with those affected. However, this early diagnosis enables the patient to better prepare for the future disease. Thus, those concerned can settle the family and financial matters at an early stage. In addition, it will enable physicians to counteract the future occurring effects and thus significantly slowing the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Software recognizes Alzheimer's and cognitive disorders with high accuracy
A total of 67 scans of magnetic resonance imaging scanners were analyzed during the examination. 38 of the scans were from Alzheimer's patients, the other 29 scans belonged to people from a control group. In researching the data, artificial intelligence detected Alzheimer's disease with an accuracy of 86 percent, the researchers explain. The software detected slight cognitive disturbances with an accuracy of 84 percent, according to the result of the evaluation of another set of 148 MRI scans.

Analysis of larger data sets could further improve accuracy
The scans used in the study were from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Greater volumes of data could further enhance artificial intelligence training, the researchers said. This would lead to an increased accuracy in the diagnosis. Thus, artificial intelligence could enable even more reliable early detection of Alzheimer's disease, the scientists emphasize.

Future treatments for Alzheimer's disease
In Alzheimer's disease, indissoluble plaques of the protein fragment beta-amyloid develop in the brain. Researchers are currently trying to develop a vaccine and early-stage treatment for Alzheimer's that can either slow or even completely stop the disease, even years before the onset of Alzheimer's symptoms. For example, a vaccine could cause antibodies to beta-amyloid to prevent their deposition. The drug is designed to block the enzymes involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease. (As)