Canoeing strengthens back and psyche

Canoeing strengthens back and psyche / Health News

Canoeing is good for the back and psyche

Paddling keeps body and soul healthy. Canoeing not only strengthens the back but also improves mental well-being. In addition, it trains the endurance and protects the joints. Experts give informative tips on canoeing.

Paddling is considered a very healthy sport
Reason enough for regular physical activity. Running and cycling have long been popular sport in this country. But some people enjoy more fancy sports, such as canoeing. The muscles of the upper body are effectively trained, which can be, among other things, a preventive measure against back pain. In addition, it also trains the endurance and all this gentle on the joints. Paddling is therefore considered a very healthy sport. For those who want to know more, experts have some informative tips.

Image: Dietmar Meinert

Canoeing is not the same as canoeing
Although the health effects of paddling have not yet been researched scientifically, experts are sure that doing good on water is good. In principle, you can paddle into old age. But canoeing is not just canoeing. According to dpa, Edwin Jakob, an expert in natural sports at the German Sport University Cologne, explained: "There is a suitable boat type for every body of water." For example, a sea kayak is used in coastal waters. "The German Baltic Sea offers ideal conditions for beginners." When paddling in rivers on the other hand, both sporting tours in touring kayak and leisurely paddling in the so-called open Canadians are possible. There is also the demanding whitewater kayaking. "It takes a lot of technical skills to enjoy it," says Jakob.

Good for endurance and joint problems
No matter which of these canoeing options one chooses, each of them will be strengthened by the rotational movement of the upper muscles. "If someone wants to move his upper body or stabilize his back, canoeing is a good sport for him with a high experience factor," explained Stephan Stiefenhöfer. As the multiple whitewater world champion, who today gives canoe fitness classes, explained that the movement is not static, but dynamic. Both the back, as well as shoulders, stomach and arms are strengthened. In addition, the stamina can be trained. "Paddling more intensely is a great sport for the cardiovascular system," says Stiefenhöfer. And even with joint problems paddling is a good option, as Jakob explained: "You do not have to carry your weight yourself. It's also an ideal activity for a little heavier people. "

Very high experience value
The expert for natural sports further said that canoeing in the basic form is basically relatively easy to learn. "It's like swimming: you optimize the movement and refine the shape," says Jakob. The load is controlled by speed and distance. When cycling, for example, you usually need to spend more time on the same effect. "When cycling, you usually do tours over three or four hours," explained Stiefenhöfer. An endurance unit in the canoe, however, would take more than an hour. Ulrich Clausing from the German Canoe Association also addressed another advantage of paddling: "The completely new experience of the landscape, the different perspectives." This experience value is very high. "People say, I see things that I have not seen before."

Spiritual balance during hiking paddling
Those seeking peace and quiet in their free time are in the best hands with paddling. "Deceleration is a big keyword here," said Jacob. "This is a glide in the double sense. When you've automated the paddling, your senses are free for the environment. "Canoeists should choose the route or the water to their own ability. Clausing explained: "You have a technical device in front of you. You have to learn to master that first. "And further:" The unfamiliar seating position will initially be a bit of a hassle. "For beginners, he recommends that you best take a beginner-oriented course in a club or a commercial provider. The basics are taught; for example, how to get in correctly or how to hold the paddle properly. "As a beginner, you start on calm, almost stagnant waters with a leisurely paddle."

Enjoy the sport
According to Jacob, you have to spend between 600 and 800 euros if you want to buy your own touring plastic boat. For a model made of fiberglass or carbon fiber would be due up to 2,800 euros. Whether you want to spend so much depends on whether you enjoy this sport. As experts say, one should listen to one's own body in the search for the right sport for oneself. This applies to both the load limit as well as motivation. If the sport is rather unsuitable for one's self or exaggerated, health problems can result. For example, shortness of breath, chest pain or dizziness may indicate heart or lung problems. Then a doctor should be consulted. (Sb)