Can you get a cold in the sauna?

Can you get a cold in the sauna? / Health News

Does it work, sweat out cold in the sauna?


Currently, colds are once again high season. Everywhere there are people who suffer from headache and body aches, cough and fever. Some prescribe themselves a sauna, to sweat out the annoying cold. Does that really work??

Swallowing colds in the sauna?
Headache, sore throat, constant runny nose: colds are currently in high season. Some patients try to sweat out the annoying cold in the sauna. However, that does not work, explains the chairman of the German Wellness Association, Lutz Hertel. „You accelerate at most, that the disease comes out“, he told the news agency dpa. „But she does not go away faster through the sauna.“ Ill should therefore prefer to resort to home remedies for colds, such as inhalations. Regular sauna sessions, about once or twice a week, can help prevent colds, as it helps strengthen the immune system.

Check the sauna with certain diseases with a doctor
Patients should avoid the sauna at an elevated temperature of 37.5 degrees. „The change from hot to cold confuses the autonomous regulation of body temperature“, so Hertel. Furthermore, you should better with sauna or open wounds a sauna session better. And in existing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, arrhythmia (heart palpitations, tachycardia) or high blood pressure, those affected should best clarify with their doctor, if the sauna is eligible for them. For circulatory problems such as dizziness should generally not be sauna. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm