Can Broccoli Alleviate Autism?

Can Broccoli Alleviate Autism? / Health News

Can be tempered with broccoli autism?


Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables ever. Among other things, the vitamins contained in it can strengthen the immune system. In addition, studies have shown that broccoli can reduce breast cancer risk and protect against diabetes. Researchers from the US now report that an ingredient in the vegetables can also alleviate the symptoms of autism.

Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables
Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables and is rich in vitamins and minerals. This can strengthen the immune system and prevent a cold or iron deficiency. Even a cancer-preventing or even cancer-inhibiting effect has already been certified to the vegetables. A corresponding effect was found in studies of bladder cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Broccoli may also protect against diabetes, according to research. Researchers from the USA have now announced that an ingredient of the vegetables can also help with autism.

Advances in autism research
Although there has been much progress in autism research over the past few years, there are still many unanswered questions about the biochemical and molecular basis of the disorder. The lack of energy supply in cells may play an important role. In addition, they have an unusually high level of oxidative stress that interferes with normal functions in cells. There is evidence that the social interaction and language skills of children with autism become better when they have a fever. According to research scientist Andrew Zimmerman of the University of Massachusetts, this effect may be due to the fact that in fever, cellular programs are switched on that protect the cell from the damage caused by the high temperatures.

Improvement of behavior
As the phytochemical sulforaphane, which is found in cruciferous plants such as cabbage and broccoli, also improves the body's response to heat stress, researchers have tested whether treatment with the drug could have an effect on the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. In the journal „PNAS“ The scientists report that a daily dose of sulforaphane, which works against inflammation, can also relieve the symptoms of autism. In the pilot study, the researchers treated 44 affected young men and adolescents aged between 13 and 27 years. Some received sulforaphane daily and some took placebo. According to the researchers, more than half showed improvements in behavior. The symptoms in the categories irritability, lethargy, stereotypical movements, hyperactivity, communication, motivation and mannerism have therefore improved significantly. The scientists deliberately extracted sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts. Through normal diet you could hardly take effective concentrations of the substance

A comparatively small pilot study
However, about one third of the study participants did not respond to the treatment. Nevertheless, the researchers emphasize that the study was an extraordinary success. „This is the first time that a statistically significant improvement in the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders has been demonstrated by the administration of a drug“, Zimmerman explained loudly „“. However, the scientists also pointed out that their study is a relatively small pilot study, the results of which should now be reviewed and further substantiated. In further studies they now want to investigate the cellular background of the effect of sulforaphane. „I hope that way we will find out more about the causes of this hitherto poorly understood disorder“, so Zimmerman. (Ad)

Picture: Tim Reckmann